The highs and lows of the Peruvian FairMail teenagers in 2016

FairMail Peru photographer Dante

FairMail Peru photographer Dante

The beginning of the year is a good moment to look back at your highs and lows of the past year. And to make plans and set goals for the coming year. We asked the FairMail teenagers to put their thoughts on paper for us.

Paul for example has as goal to become photographer of the year for example and Diana hopes that after all the setbacks in 2016, 2017 will be a better year for her. Angelica hopes to get accepted to the national university and Anidela wrote about the worries she and her family had about the health of her mother.

You can read the teenagers’ stories on their personal profile pages. There you can also link to their Facebook, send them an email, see how much they have earned with the sale of their photographs and see the fair trade cards with their pictures on it.

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