FairMail featured on Belgian television

Photoshooting with TV presenter Arne

Photoshooting with TV presenter Arne

In October FairMail was featured in five episodes of the Belgian children’s television program “Eerlijk Waar”. The four week series on the commercial VTM channel told the story behind 8 different fair trade products ranging from cacao to bananas and from oranges to flowers. Of course FairMail’s fair trade greeting cards couldn’t be left out!

The main star in the episodes about FairMail is 17 year old Yomira. Belgian TV presenter Arne runs into Yomira while looking for the beach chairs featured in the FairMail card he bought in Belgium. After explaining him about FairMail Yomira teaches Arne some lessons on photography and takes him on photography shoots in the area. Afterwards Arne wants to visit Yomira’s house and the garbage belt where she worked with her grandmother before she entered FairMail. This desolate places leaves a big impression on the presenter and only makes him more impressed about what Yomira has achieved so far.

Below you can view some of the episodes featuring FairMail in combination with a visit to a fair trade orange farm in Southern Africa.

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