Fair trade gift tips for the holiday season

With Christmas coming up we selected the perfect fair trade gifts for your loved ones.

Yoga Calendar 2016

Yoga Calendar 2016

Gift tip 1: Yoga calendar

The 2016 Children’s Yoga Calendar contains 8 yoga pictures taken by the FairMail teenagers from Peru and India. They worked hard with young models from their neighborhoods to get these great results!

This is a great gift for anyone who is into yoga or mediation and who you want to inspire next year with a new pose every month!

At 17,50 euro this is a great present for you and for the world!

Click here to order now in our webshop. 100% of the profit goes to different children’s charities, including the FairMail teenagers personal education funds.

Gift tip 2: FairMail picture on the wall

FairMail canvas

FairMail canvas

Did you know that you can order any of the teenager’s pictures on the FairMail website to hang on the wall? Just pick the photo of your choice and we will print it on canvas in a wooden frame.

This is a great gift to decorate someone’s new home, office space or to decorate your own room with an inspiring picture!

You can choose from 3 different sizes: Small (20×30 cm), Medium (40×60 cm) and Large (60x90cm) starting at 34,95 euro.

Click here to find the picture for your canvas painting! Just like our cards, 50% of the profit FairMail makes goes directly into the personal education fund of the teenager who took the picture.

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