FairMail India fotograaf Dhiraj geslaagd voor zijn examen!

Dhiraj with his family

Dhiraj with his family

Herinner je je Dhiraj nog? De Indiase FairMail fotograaf die afgelopen zomer 3 weken door Europa toerde om FairMail te promoten en om marktonderzoek te doen. Gevraagd naar zijn toekomstplannen legde hij toen vaak aan zijn geïnteresseerde toehoorders uit dat hij wachtte op het resultaat van zijn eindexamen voor politicologie.

Nu 7 maanden na het examen heeft hij eindelijk de uitslag binnen. Omdat velen er benieuwd naar zijn vroegen wij hem er naar. Dit kregen we als zijn antwoorden.

1. So what was the result of your exam?

The result was good. The entire process of the exam took about one month to complete with written and oral segments every few days. My goal was to receive 53% and that is the score that I got. 

2. How long did you have to wait between taking the exam and hearing the result?

I had to wait six to seven months to hear the result.

3. Why did it take so long?

Well, Uttar Pradesh (Indiaase deelstaat waar Varanasi in ligt, red.) has the highest population of students and my college has different boards throughout Uttar Pradesh that are all graded at the same time. So it takes a long time to do that.

4. So what is the next thing you have to do to become an IAS officer (highest police rank, red.)?

I have to take an entrance exam and if I pass I will be invited to have an interview. In the next six months, I will prepare for that exam at an institute for IAS officer preparation, and then I will take the exam in May or June.

5. How much money do you still need to earn to finish your study to become an IS officer?

For preparation I will need about 50.000 rupess (725 euro). More or less.

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