FairMail wins Transparency prize

FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

Yes, we did it! FairMail won the first prize for the social enterprise with the most transparent website about its social impact. During the award ceremony in The Hague on the 30th of September the president of the jury, Mr Herman Wijffels, handed over the cheque of 10.000 euro to FairMail founders Peter and Janneke.

The prize is an initiative of Price Waterhouse Coopers to stimulate social enterprises to communicate transparently about their social impact. PwC investigated the websites of 60 social enterprises and judged them along criteria like communication about their business model, their social impact, the risks involved and the use of storytelling. In the end FairMail, from the 3 finalists, was chosen as the winner by an independent jury.

You can read more about why FairMail won by clicking here.

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

The prize money will be used to invest in adapting FairMail’s website to mobile devices and to find the necessary new business leads at international trade fairs next year.

We are very happy with this result. We couldn’t have made it without people helping us: we want to give a big THANK YOU to UNITid for making the interaction design of the FairMail website, TOOK Web development for actually programming the site and the Social Capital Foundation for providing the loan to invest in our new and transparent website.

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