Posts Tagged ‘Scotland’

FairMail and FairTrade Scotland announce partnership

Monday, April 27th, 2020

Life can be full of surprises. What if we tell you that everything happened by pure chance? FairMail director Federica was in line at Lima airport to board her plane back to Italy when she met Fair Trade Scotland Director Eve Broadis. The two stood in line for 15 minutes together and the idea of joining forces was born.

Staring from April 1, Fair Trade Scotland will be distributing FairMail cards in Scotland. We are currently working on a pioneering project to sell cards in corporation offices and stores.

We are particularly proud of this collaboration because both FairMail and Fair Trade Scotland are WFTO members, which is a consumer guarantee that the two companies are committed to the 10 WFTO Fair Trade Principles.

In addition, being the cards published by the UK non-profit organization Love from the Artist, we guarantee a fair and ethical chain from producer to consumer.

As FairTrade Scotland director Eve Broadis says: “ The COVID-19 crisis represents a unique historical moment for us to practice solidarity in our day-to-day activities and create the world we want to live in. Now too is the time to make strong demands that our communities receive the resources they need to thrive beyond this crisis and move collectively toward the more fair, just world we want to see.”

We like to think of our partnership as a seed that is being planted in the midst of a storm and we can’t wait to see the fruit it will bear.

If you are a Scottish enterprise or store and are interested in supporting the FairMail teenagers and becoming part of our Scottish community of fair-trade enthusiasts, don’t hesitate to contact us at  or, we’ll be happy to provide you with all information you might need.