The crazy dreams of FairMail photographer Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Hi, my name is Juan Carlos Gonzales Cabellos and I am 17 years old. I was born in Paijan where I used to live with my parents, my mother Maria Cabellos and my father, Severino Gonzales and my brother William Gonzales Cabellos.

When I was still a child I used to sell sweets on the streets. I did that because my parents didn’t have enough money to send me to school. I started working on the street even though I knew it was dangerous, but I had to do it to help my family. After a while I met other children who also worked on the streets. That is how I learned about a boys home called “Mundo de Ninos” and that they help children that don’t have the money to move forward in life.

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

And you know what? I managed to get in, get a roof over my head, a plate of food to eat and some love and affection. But the most important thing is the education the children receive here. Thanks to Mundo de Ninos I now go to school. I am in forth grade of secondary school and have already started to study too. And most important, I am no longer working in the streets.

I often heard about a small company called FairMail where my friends went to. I was very curious and always asking about it. And I liked it that they where working in photography. That seemed cool to me! Luckily it did remain only interest and I also managed to get into FairMail.

FairMail is now a small business that helps teenagers with little economic means through photography. We take pictures in different parts of Peru where after they are exported to other countries where they are sold. Half of the profit is for FairMail and the other half for the photographer. The photographers part is devided in our own health, clothing, housing and educationfunds.

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Thanks to FairMail I managed to buy a laptop so I can practice graphic design. Also I was able to build a sturdy wall for my parents house as the old one was about to crumble. Because I really like cooking I am now studying to become chef at an institute called “COCINA DE LOS CHEFF” and I work in Huanchaco in a pizzeria called “MISQUI”. I am pizza maker and in the future I am hoping to become a great photographer and have my own restaurant.

It is something really bizar to dream about, but I know that if you set a goal for yourself you can make it become reality!

I hope you liked my story and keep supporting us by buying our postcards from FairMail Peru and FairMail India.

Atte. Juan Carlos flores cabellos.

(Red. for more information about Juan Carlos, to buy his cards and look at his pictures click here)

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