Posts Tagged ‘christmas cards’

Fair trade corporate Christmas cards available

Friday, September 20th, 2013

kaartaradhana KerstWhat would your clients and relations say if they received a fair trade Christmas card from you this year?

Past customers like Ben & Jerry’s, EPSON and the Dutch ministry of agriculture express not only their happiness with the quality of FairMail’s service and product but also with the inspired reactions they got.

Besides pre-printed Christmas cards, FairMail also offers tailor made cards with a text, logo and Christmas picture of your choice.

New this year is a Christmas e-card with a video message of the teenager who took the picture and who receives 50% of the profit for education.

You can read more in this digital Christmas flyer.

If you are interested, all you have to do is:

1) Choose a Christmas picture of your choice taken by one of our teenagers.

2) Send us your seasons greetings text plus/or logo.

3) Let us know how many cards you would like and in which size/model (A5 or A6, folded or single)

offerte button english

After we have sent you a price quote we will work on the design. You will receive a digital copy of the design for your approval before we send it to the printer. We don’t send anything to the printer until you are 100% satisfied with the design.

Please let us know if you have any further inquiries by clicking here.

Peruvian teenagers take pictures for Ben & Jerry’s corporate Christmas card

Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Ksanier being assisted by volunteer Jie during the photoshoot

Ksanier being assisted by volunteer Jie during the photoshoot

Even though it is still summer in many parts of the world, our teenagers are already busy taking pictures for the upcoming Christmas card season. Among their customers this year is Ben & Jerry’s. They requested a tailor made picture for their fair trade corporate Christmas card. In order to do so they sent a box stuffed with all kinds of Ben & Jerry’s props like caps, pens, slippers, cooler bags, ice cream cups etc. to our teenagers in Peru.

Yomira drawing her idea for a perfect picture

Yomira drawing her idea for a perfect picture

The teenagers in Peru set their creativity to work. By first imagining their perfect picture that transmits the right feeling. After drawing their perfect picture they presented their ideas to the other photographers so everyone could give and get valuable feedback. By now everyone knew what to do and went to work.

Anidela working on her perfect picture

Anidela working on her perfect picture

After every photography session the pictures where evaluated during the FairMail class on the computer. With the help of the volunteer photography trainers points for improvement where discussed. This way in several rounds the pictures actually started becoming “perfect pictures”.

A pre-selection of 40 images has been sent to Ben & Jerry’s who will pick their favorite image for this year’s card. Exciting!

One of Anidela's pictures for Ben & Jerry's

One of Anidela’s pictures for Ben & Jerry’s

Would you like your employer to also send out fair trade Christmas cards, either custom made or from our stock? Then have a look at this digital flyer about what FairMail has to offer.

And let us know who within your company or organization we can contact directly. Thanks for your help!

One of Jorge's pictures for Ben & Jerry's

One of Jorge’s pictures for Ben & Jerry’s


Tuesday, April 30th, 2013
fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

FairMail-Weihnachtskarten 2013

Auch in diesem Jahr wird es wieder FairMail-Karten zu Weihnachten geben.

Zu den hier abgebildeten beliebten Karten des Vorjahres werden in Kürze neue Motive hinzukommen. Die Jugendlichen haben wieder sehr stimmungsvolle und außergewöhnliche Bilder gemacht, die sich zur Zeit noch im Auswahlverfahren befinden.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

Gerne informieren wir Sie rechtzeitig über das Angebot. Tragen Sie sich hierfür gern  in den FairMail-Newsletter  ein oder nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular, oder schreiben Sie eine Email an oder rufen uns an unter 040/64941772.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

Gern beraten wir Sie oder senden Ihnen kostenlos unseren Prospekt zu.

Auch die Verwendung Ihres Firmenlogos ist möglich.

FairMail ist ein geprüftes Mitglied der World Fair Trade Organisation, gelistet im Weltladen Dachverband und Gewinner verschiedener  Preise. Zuletzt gewann FairMail den Wettbewerb „Join our Core“ von „Ben and Jerry´s“ für soziales Unternehmertum.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

Drei gute Gründe, die für FairMail als Weihnachtspost für Ihre Firma sprechen:

1. Die FairMail Karten haben ein modernes Design mit schönen, farbenfrohen und originellen Fotomotiven.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

2. Mit einer FairMail-Karte machen Sie einen sichtbaren Unterschied: Sie versenden eine FairMail-Grußkarte und unterstützen zusätzlich ganz konkret den Jugendlichen der das Motiv dieser Karte fotografierte und dessen Namen und Foto Sie auf der Rückseite der Karte finden. Mit FairMail-Karten zeigt Ihre Firma auch nach außen hin Ihr soziales Engagement und Interesse an einer besseren Zukunft für alle.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

3. FairMail bedeutet fairer Handel: Die Jugendlichen können Dank des Verkaufs ihrer Karten ihr Leben aktiv und vor allem langfristig zum Positiven verändern, indem sie nun ihren Lebensunterhalt mit einer sie fördernden, anstelle einer gesundheitlich bedenklichen Arbeit finanzieren können. Und zusätzlich bleibt genug Geld für Krankenversicherung und Schulgebühren übrig. So haben es die ersten der einst chancenlosen Jugendlichen inzwischen in eine richtige Berufsausbildung und wiederholt sogar in ein Universitätsstudium geschafft. Durch das Erfahren von Zugehörigkeit, Unterstützung und Wertschätzung während ihrer Zeit bei FairMail wächst bei den Jugendlichen die Motivation sich weiter zu entwickeln und die Zukunft in die Hand zu nehmen.

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

fair trade FairMail Christmas Card

Tragen Sie mit Ihren Firmen-Weihnachtsgrüßen zu diesen Zukunfts- und Erfolgsgeschichten bei!

Wenn  Sie gern weiterführende Informationen über das Projekt, die Jugendlichen und die Karten haben möchten, nutzen Sie gerne unser Kontaktformular.

New web-2-print Christmas card collection online

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012
FairMail Christas Card on Greetz

FairMail Christas Card on Greetz

Are you afraid you are already too late with buying & sending out this year’s Christmas Cards? No worries, with FairMail’s new web-2-print Christmas card collection you still have enough time. On the Greetz website you can choose between 20 FairMail Christmas pictures to design and write your own Christmas card online, even from your smartphone! Greetz takes care of printing and sending the card off for you in time for Christmas.

Just like with the other FairMail cards, 50% of the profit goes into the private education fund of the teenager mentioned on the card with their name, photo and e-mail which will surely impress the receiver of your card.

Click here to make your own FairMail Christmas Card on-line.

WANTED: Corporate customers for FairMail Christmas cards and e-cards

Monday, October 22nd, 2012
FairMail Christmas e-card

FairMail Christmas e-card

You can help ensure FairMail stays in Morocco. By pointing out FairMail as a potential Christmas card supplier to your employer this year. That way you will be helping increase the sale of the teenagers’ pictures.

Besides pre-printed Christmas cards, FairMail also offers tailor made cards with a text, logo and Christmas picture of your choice.

New this year is a Christmas e-card with a video message of the teenager who took the picture and who receives 50% of the profit in his own education. You can read more in this digital Christmas flyer.

Amongst the people who provide us with a successful lead we will be giving away one photography trip for two with the teenagers in Peru or India. You can read more about how this works here!

Thanks in advance for your help!

New FairMail Christmas cards in webshop

Monday, October 22nd, 2012
Yuli's new Christmas card


Only two more months until it’s Christmas! So it is about time to present the new FairMail Christmas cards to you.

In our web shop you can find no less than 60 different Christmas cards to choose from. On the back of each card you can see the picture, name and email of the teenager who took the picture and a short story about FairMail. This way as sender and receiver of the card you can see directly who is being supported and where you money is being spent on. You can even send an e-mail to the teenager!

Back side of a Christmas Card

Back side of a Christmas Card

Help FairMail and win a FREE photography trip to Peru or India

Sunday, August 26th, 2012
Helping the teenagers during a photography trip

Helping the teenagers during a photography trip

Yes, you are not mistaking. By helping FairMail you have the chance to win a free FairMail photography trip in Peru or India worth 600 euro.

All you have to do is give us the golden tip about who is in charge of the Christmas cards or e-cards at your employer and give us their personal details. Then we can approach him or her to lay down our offer to make tailor made Christmas or e-cards for your employer.

With a FairMail Christmas card you send a message that really touches people: showing how deprived teenagers work on their own future in a positive way using their creativity. With the chosen Christmas picture comes the personal story about the photographer and the direct link to who is being supported with the purchase of the card.

You can find more information about the tailor made Christmas and e-cards in this digital flyer.

From all the tips that end up in an assignment for FairMail we will select one person who can come for free on an all expenses paid 10 day FairMail photography trip with one friend. (You do have to pay for your own airplane ticket to the starting point of the trip in Peru or India).

Fairtrade Week: 15% discount plus subscription Ode Magazine

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

From the 27th of October until the 6th of November we celebrate fair trade week. That’s why FairMail offers a 15% discount on all products in the FairMail web-shop if you fill in the following discount code when filling in the payment details for your order: FTW

Click on the products below that you can order with the discount:

Besides that everyone who orders for 30 Euro or more in FairMail’s web-shop will receive a FREE SUBSCRIPTION worth 10 euro for the ODE magazine for intelligent optimists! In the remarks field at the end of your order you can let us know if we can pass on your address details. Without any future obligations you will receive 3 free copies of ODE magazine by mail filled with news about people and ideas that are changing the world. Ode informs, inspires and shows how ever individual can contribute to a sustainable and fair world. Try it for free today!


Help FairMail a hand and win!

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Although the years longest day is just behind us, FairMail is already working hard on the busy Christmas season. This year we want to get companies and organizations to send FairMail Christmas cards or include our gift sets in their Christmas gift boxes for employees.

We can really use your help for that! Become a hero and put us in contact with the person in charge of Christmas cards at your emploer. A digital flyer of what we have to offer can be found by clicking here.

If you are interested we can also send you a paper version with pricelist by mail. Our experience tells us that it works best if you hand over the information personally to your collegue in charge of Christmas cards. After that we can take over the contact and deal with the special wishes and give a detailed price quote.

Everyone who helps FairMail with a corporate Christmas order will receive on of the new 2012 fair trade calendars for free!

Last year 4 FairMail fans helped us with Christmas card orders for Korrels, De Leeuwenkuil, ETC and the Twents Carmel College. Thanks again to Annemieke, Sanne, Frank and Els!

If you want to help us, click here to contact us .

Thanks in advance!

FairMail Christmas flyerr
FairMail Christmas flyer webview (PDF, 1,7 Mb)