Posts Tagged ‘FairMail’

When a pandemic hits the lower rungs of society

lunes, abril 20th, 2020

What FairMail is doing and how you can support FairMail teenagers’ families

It was clearly just a matter of time before COVID-19 spread to South America and Peru.
On Monday March 16, President Vizcarra has addressed the nation declaring the state of emergency and implementing a set of preventive measures to avoid the spread of the virus.
In line with the decisions taken by the government, FairMail classes have been suspended until April 26. The FairMail photographers are spending the quarantine at home with their families.
To fight boredom and create a sense of continuity with their normal class routine, we have tasked them with DIY projects and home photo sessions.

After almost a month in lock-down we couldn’t help but notice that if, on the one hand technology is bringing us together, nurturing a sense of global community and solidarity, on the other, the spread of a pandemic disease widens social and economic disparities.
Our limited but first-hand experience with the families of the FairMail teenagers is showing us that low income-families are the ones who are suffering, and will suffer, the greatest repercussions.
The parents of the FairMail teenagers either run small family businesses or are employed informally, which means that they live day by day and do not benefit from any state subsidies.
Because of the quarantine, they had to suspend all their activities, which, simply put, means no income for the weeks to come.

To support them in this critical time, FairMail is releasing emergency food funds to make sure that the families have enough to eat and it continues to release health funds to the photographers and their direct family members.

Since the beginning of lockdown, FairMail card sales have dropped dramatically as our main retail and online sale channels across Europe have been temporarily closed.

If you want to show your support to our teenagers and their families in this critical time, you can either purchase FairMail cards on our Web Shop, on Love from the Artist or make a donation (every little amount counts) directly to the food fund of the teenagers – contact us at

If it is true, as they say, that you need to step back, before you leap forward, we want to live this time as a time to reconnect with each other and with the people we love, a time for new ideas to be born and for energies to be restored.
We’ll be back, as loud and creative as ever!

Who is behind FairMail now?

lunes, enero 22nd, 2018

After the announcement of the takeover, FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond have been overwhelmed with messages of support and they are very glad about it. We guess many of you are probably wondering: “who is running FairMail now?” Well, everyone please meet Kira, Federica and Natalia.

Kira, Federica and Natalia met for the first time in 2015 when the three of them were volunteering for FairMail. Among all the volunteering opportunities that they could have picked, they were all driven to FairMail, somehow it looks like it was meant to be. During their time in Huanchaco, they got really enthusiastic about the project, they bonded with the teenagers and fell in love with Huanchaco, the small fisher village that hosts FairMail’s Peruvian headquarters.

After their experiences as volunteers, they felt their time in FairMail was, somehow, not over. Back to their countries, they kept in touch with FairMail, they engaged in different activities and became, eventually, sale agents. Receiving the email with the proposal of succeeding Peter and Janneke in the management of FairMail came as a total surprise, to say the least. They took their time to let the news sink in and eventually they overcame the fear of the unknown and decided to embrace the change.

Let’s get to know them better right now.

Kira works as a project manager responsible for Web-Marketing and IT-Development in a mid-size company close to Stuttgart, Germany. Thanks to her family’s love for travel and adventure, she developed a global mindset and she is convinced that her vision of a better and sustainable future will be achieved by sharing knowledge, creativity and the principle of capacity building.

Federica is a freelance English and Italian teacher and translator based in Turin, Italy. She is a word nerd at heart, communication is her main area of expertise. She believes the world can be made a better place by creating and fostering dialogue among people of all faiths and backgrounds. She acknowledges that traveling is fatal to prejudice, therefore she never stops exploring.

Natalia studied International Social Work in Ludwigsburg. She is a passionate globetrotter and admires to capture her traveling experiences with photographs. Beyond Germany and Poland, her homecountry, she feels at home in Kenya, Indonesia and in Peru where she volunteered as part of her studies. Natalia has the interests of the environment at heart and she believes that international exchange and the sharing of knowledge can make the world a better place.

They couldn’t be happier to start this adventure together and they look forward to everything that this journey will have to offer.

Nuevo documental: «Fotografia en la lucha contra el trabajo infantil»

miércoles, julio 15th, 2015

Este nuevo documental enseña las condiciones bajo lo cual algunos jóvenes en el Perú tienen que trabajar y el papel que una empresa social, como FairMail puede tener para combatir estas situaciones.

El documental salió días antes del giro de promoción por Europa hecho por Anidela y Angeles, dos jóvenes fotógrafos Peruanas, y de una vez que salió en los medios en Holanda. Narrando sus historias personales, ellas dan una cara personal del trabajo infantil. Y las entrevistas con sus padres dan más entendimiento sobre los problemas que están a la raíz de este tema.

El documental también enseña como Anidela y Angeles logran cambiar sus vidas con la toma de fotos por FairMail. Y como ahora pueden estudiar en la Universidad con el dinero que ganan con la venta de sus postales. De esta manera no solo puede crear un futuro mejor para ellas mismas, sino también para sus familias.

Además de la versión larga de 11 minutos, también hay una versión corta de 5 minutos y versiones con subtítulos en alemán, holandés e inglés.

Postales navidenas corporativas en oferta

viernes, septiembre 20th, 2013

kaartaradhana Kerst

¿Qué van a decir tus clientes y relaciones si recibieron una tarjeta de Navidad de comercio justo de usted este año?

Clientes anteriores, como Ben & Jerry, EPSON y el ministerio holandés de la agricultura no sólo expresan su felicidad con la calidad de servicio y producto de FairMail sino también con las reacciones inspiradas que tienen.

Además de pre imprimir tarjetas de Navidad, FairMail también ofrece tarjetas hechas a medida con un texto, logotipo y foto de Navidad de tu elección.

La novedad de este año es una tarjeta electrónica de Navidad con un mensaje de vídeo del adolescente que tomó la imagen y que recibe el 50 % de los beneficios de la educación.

Usted puede leer más en este volante de Navidad digital.

Si usted está interesado, todo lo que tienes que hacer es:

1) Elija una imagen de Navidad de su elección tomada por uno de nuestros adolescentes.

2) Envíenos el texto  además de saludos / o logotipo de su temporada.

3) Háganos saber cuántas tarjetas  desea y el tamaño / modelo (A5 o A6 , doble o individual)

Haga clic aquí para solicitar una cotización

Después de haberle enviado un presupuesto vamos a trabajar en el diseño. Usted recibirá una copia digital del diseño para su aprobación antes de enviar a la imprenta. Nosotros no enviamos nada a la imprenta hasta que esté 100 % satisfecho con el diseño. Por favor, si usted tiene cualquier otra consulta háganos saber haciendo clic aquí.

Oficina de FairMail India evacuado por inundaciones

domingo, septiembre 15th, 2013
View of the street from the FairMail office

View of the street from the FairMail office

Every year from June to September the heavy monsoon rains fall on India’s dry soil. This is vital for the rain fed agriculture. However this year intense rains have caused the worst flooding in the past 10 years. The situation got so bad that even the FairMail office got surrounded by the rising water and had to be evacuated.

The FairMail office is situated in Nagwa, in the pilgrim city of Varanasi on the borders of the holy Ganges river. The river had to carry so much rain water that the river left its borders. This happens every year during the monsoon. But this year the amount of water was so much that the water flooded parts of Nagwa too. First the water entered the houses of a few of our teenage photographers and their families.

FairMail  teenagers helping to evacuate the volunteer from the FairMail office

FairMail teenagers helping to evacuate the volunteer from the FairMail office

The water just kept rising until also the streets around the FairMail office where flooded. There was no other option then to evacuate the FairMail office and look for another temporary housing option for our volunteer and to suspend the free photography classes until the office would be accessible again.

We where very lucky that the FairMail office is on the third story. Four of our teenagers where less lucky and where forced to move themselves and their belongings to the roof of their houses. In stead of being desperate their reaction was more calm. «You just have to manage it» is mostly their reply when the going gets tough.

FairMail teenager Anil Rao in front of his house

FairMail teenager Anil Rao in front of his house

Like with FairMail teenagers Anil Rao who is brushing his teeth up to his knees in the water running through the street in front of his house.  There is perhaps a lot of wisdom in their reaction. Because in the end it all comes down to how you handle a situation and can manage with the means you do have available.  Like this man on a rikshaw below.

You have to manage it

You have to manage it

FairMail celebra séptimo cumpleaños

jueves, junio 27th, 2013
FairMail India Celebrating 7 years of FairMail

FairMail India Celebrating 7 years of FairMail

This month we are celebrating it is 7 years ago that FairMail founder Janneke Smeulders took her camera to Trujillo’s garbage dump for the first time to take pictures with the local Peruvian teenagers. “At that time I only wanted to let the teenagers have fun with my camera as I noticed their interest in camera’s while volunteering there.

But back home in her restaurant it didn’t feel right to teach the teenagers a new hobby which they would never have the money for to practice on their own. Plus it didn’t seem to contribute to solving the problem these teenagers where facing which was not having the time nor the money to go to school.

FairMail Peru celebrating 7 years FairMail

FairMail Peru celebrating 7 years FairMail

As the pictures that came out of the first session where so good it inspired Janneke to print the best ones on post cards. She could sell them to tourists coming to her vegetarian restaurant and give 50% of the profit back to the teenager who took the picture to invest in their own education.

Without having any idea what would have become of her idea today, 7 years later: A multi-national fair trade company employing 50 teenagers in 3 countries, selling 500.000 cards per year in 10 different countries.

With this info graphic we have tried to illustrate FairMail’s development and milestones over the past 7 years:

FairMail Milestones

FairMail Milestones

We also asked the teenagers to share with us what their best memories where the past 7 years and what they hope for in the next 7 years. This is what they wrote down (click on the picture to see in large format):

Sandhya Rao

Sandhya Rao

Kaushal Kumar

Kaushal Kumar

Chandra shekhar

Chandra shekhar

Anshu Dinkar

Anshu Dinkar

Aradhna Kumari

Aradhna Kumari

Anil Rao

Anil Rao

Nuevo video: Visitando a FairMail India – 2012

domingo, julio 8th, 2012

Especialmente para el viaje de promocion a traves de Europa hemos hecho un nuevo video llamado: «Visitando a FairMail India – 2012». En solo 10 minutos explica sobre el vida de los fotografos de FairMail India Dhiraj Kannaujia y Anil Rao y como  trabajan semanalmente para FairMail India. Esto da una vista unica a la vida de los chicos con que FairMail India trabaja.  Y deja que ellos mismos explican sobre el impacto que FairMail tenia en sus vidas. El video fue grabado en ingles pero tambien es disponible con subtitulos en Aleman y Frances. Disfruta!

Nueva linea de postales en ingles

sábado, diciembre 18th, 2010

FairMail’s first English Catalogue is out now! With the new card collection aimed especially at the UK market, FairMail is taking a shot at the biggest greeting card market of the world. After the succes in Holland and Belgium with already over 500 selling point FairMail wants to keep growing by offering unique fair trade certified greeting cards to a ethical conscious public in the UK and USA.

Download the new catalogue below (to hand out to your local fair trade shop owner!) or order the new cards now from FairMail’s webshop.

FairMail Catalogue 2010-2011
Catalogue 2010-2011 (PDF, 9 Mb)

Nuevos viajes de fotografia a Peru y India en linea

domingo, diciembre 12th, 2010

cordilleraNo less then six new FairMail photography trips are available in 2010 and 2011. New destinations include «The Holy Rivers» in India and «The Cordillera Blanca» in Peru. In 2011 «The Organic Coffee  route» is back by popular demand.

On the photography travels page of the FairMail website you can find more information about the unique way of travelling with FairMail’s teenage photographers and helping them shoot the right pictures for the western market.

Read more about the 2 trial expeditions to Northern India by clicking here.

Read more about the new destination at the base of Peru’s highest mountain (Nevado Huascaran, 6768 meters high) by clicking here.

Read more about the Organic Coffee Route to Northern Peru’s cloud forest by clicking here.

Video de FairMail India ahora en linea

sábado, diciembre 12th, 2009

Tambien quieres saber como es que FairMail logra en hacer buenos fotografos de chicos con pocos recursos economicos? Entonces tienes que ver el video de 5 minutos “The Making of FairMail India” ahora en youtube. Janneke Smeulders, quien empezo a FairMail, ha sido seguido con la camera mientras que en 3 meses empezo con FairMail India.

En el video se puede ver que no siempre fue facil. Mayormente para incentivar a las chicas del assentamiento humano Nagwa para que desarollan su creatividad. Desde el principio las cosas fueran mucho mas facil con el joven fotografo y fan de Michael Jackson, Kaushal Kumar, quien les lleva a su casa y cuenta en lo que tiene que pensar antes de tomar una foto. Disfruta!