Posts Tagged ‘maria_flor’

Maria flor: primer graduado universitario de FairMail

miércoles, septiembre 7th, 2016

This year FairMail is celebrating its tenth anniversary. We got the biggest gift of all from former FairMail Peru photographer Maria flor who became the first FairMail teenager to get a university degree! And also the first in her family. In July she defended her thesis successfully and finished the 5-year communications sciences degree at the UCV private university.

Stand out from the rest
When Maria flor started studying she had a very clear goal: to stand out from the rest. As this would be the best guarantee for a better future. A clear example of this is the story she told about her best memory over the past 5 years:

250MF1At my private university the monthly fees are very high. When I went to pay for my second semester the secretary told me I didn’t have to pay anything as I got the highest grades of all during the first semester. I was sure it had to be a mistake. So I asked her to check again please. But it was true. I was in shock and couldn’t think at all. But later in the bus back home I was very happy that all my effort, dedication, determination and invested time had been worthwhile.

In many of the following semesters Maria flor repeated this performance and received more scholarships for her high scores.

Finding a job in Peru
Even with a university degree finding a good job is not easy in Peru. A lot depends on who you know amongst potential employers so they can recommend you. Moreover, most employers are looking for employees with experience. And usually the first years you have to deal with being lowest in the hierarchy so your next job can be better. To increase your chances to find a job it is also very important to have various degrees.

Plans for the future
So it looks like Maria flor isn’t finished studying yet. She wants to complement her degree with studying English, graphic design and audio visual techniques. And she wants to work as Au Pair in the USA for one year.

Perhaps it sounds a bit crazy because normally after finishing university people look for a job. But I want to try something different as I like learning new things, work on my English and feel that I can do something by myself as I have always lived with my mother, brothers and sister. When I return I want to study “international business” and travel to Canada as there are opportunities for Peruvian students to do an internship there.

That’s Maria flor, always working on new goals.

The next generation
With Maria flor out of university we currently have two Peruvian teenagers in University: Yuli and Anidela. Actually three as Juan Gabriel just started studying communication sciences at the UPAO private university in August. On his way to become FairMail’s first male university graduate?

Mariaflor gana premio para mejor estudiante

miércoles, octubre 29th, 2014
Mariaflor (r) after the ceremony with her friend Cinthia

Maria flor (r) after the ceremony with her friend Cinthia

Estamos muy orgullosos del hecho de que Maria flor, la fotógrafa de FairMail Perú , fue galardonada con el  primer puesto de ser la  mejor estudiante de su facultad en el último semestre. Esta noticia suena  especial aunque en realidad ya es la tercera vez que María flor (23 anos), obtiene este premio!

Con su duro trabajo cuando ella todavía estaba tomando fotos para FairMail ella ya ganó € 7.379. El dinero lo está invirtiendo  para estudiar Ciencias de la Comunicación en la universidad privada César Vallejo en Trujillo. Con el primer puesto ganó una beca que significa que tiene que pagar sólo 45 euros por mes en vez de € 110. Un descuento que es bienvenido para María flor porque no tiene suficiente dinero en su fondo para terminar su carrera en la universidad privada. Su madre estuvo presente durante la ceremonia de premiación en la universidad. Según Maria flor, su madre dice que ella está orgullosa de tener una hija como Maria flor. Y nosotros estamos muy orgullosos de tener a un adolescente de FairMail como ella!

No será ninguna sorpresa que Maria flor trabaja muy duro para lograr este resultado increíble. Ella entiende y aprovecha plenamente de esta oportunidad para salir adelante en la vida. Ella se gasta un promedio de más de 50 horas a la semana en su estudio.

¿Puedes creer que incluso maneja su tiempor para combinar todo el trabajo duro de la universidad con su trabajo de medio tiempo como co-gerente de FairMail Perú? Ella señala que la oportunidad que se presenta es única y que está aprovechando para poder practicar lo que aprende en la universidad, y así obtener experiencia laborar remunerado al mismo tiempo. Su próximo objetivo es la especialización de su carrera en el extranjero, ya que esto aumenta las oportunidades para encontrar un empleo después. Si alguien tiene una idea para una organización donde María flor puede hacer su período de prácticas en el extranjero, por favor háganoslo saber. No se arrepentirán de trabajar con una chica inteligente y ambicioso como María flor!

Tenemos mucha fe que María flor logrará esto y estamos muy agradecidos de tener un ejemplo tan iluminada para la nueva generación de adolescentes FairMail en nuestro equipo Peruano!

El nuevo reto de FairMail

lunes, febrero 3rd, 2014
4 new FairMail co-managers

4 new FairMail co-managers

Besides being a social enterprise where teenagers earn money while learning, we have decided to expand the scope of our social impact to some of the retired ex-photographers, who leave the company at the age of 19. As of January 2014, both in Peru and India, FairMail’s daily management is in the hands of ex-photographers who have shown the desire and ability to grow professionally. A huge step for them to accept this new challenge and responsibility. And a huge challenge for us to decide to invest in training new managers internally instead of recruiting externally as FairMail did so far.

FairMail’s new policy to recruit new managers amongst the ex-teenagers has four big advantages:

Firstly it will help the selected ex-teenagers to grow professionally. For example in Peru the new managers are studying human resource management and to become a teacher. For both fields they will be able to practice part-time in FairMail what they learn at university in the meantime.

Secondly the new managers will be inspiring examples for the current teenagers of what you can achieve in life by working hard and being creative and responsible, even if you come from a difficult background.

Thirdly by working only with ex-teenagers we are sure to have managers on board who fully understand the essence of FairMail’s philosophy and who are happy to be able to give back to the organisation that helped them improve their lives.

Last but not least the money paid in wages by FairMail now ends up in the pockets of ex-teenagers who still really need the money. This way they are able to contribute directly to their family income or invest even more in their own education.

Apart from these four advantages our new policy also has risks. We have chosen to work with staff that has hardly any management experience. Running a business is a totally new experience for them which means a lot of time and effort has to be put in training them on the job. FairMail founders Peter and Janneke will be spending more of their time in Peru and India this year to give that training and guidance.

Read more about our new Peruvian managers Mariaflor Alvarado Reyes (22) and Yuli Silva Acuna (19) here.

And more about our new Indian managers Dhiraj Kannaujia (21) and Anil Rao (17) here.

Gran logros para chicos del Peru

miércoles, abril 25th, 2012
FairMail Peru Elmer during his first classes

FairMail Peru Elmer during his first classes

Great news about the academic results from the Peruvian FairMail teenagers: Last month FairMail Peru photographer Yuli Silva Acuna passed the very difficult entry exam for Trujillo’s national university (only 1 in 8 is admitted), Maria Flor finished first of her entire Communication Sciences faculty to earn a full scholarship and Elmer started private university to fulfil his dream of becoming a famous movie director.

FairMail Peru photographer Yuli during classes at the UNT

FairMail Peru photographer Yuli during classes at the UNT

Yuli says about her successful admission exam “Apart from photography, in the past three years, in FairMail I have learned that I can achieve everything I dream of. I only have to believe in myself and everything that I can do. I have just reached a great goal, being accepted into the language program in the University of Trujillo. I am very grateful for not only the financial help but for the constant support provided by the members of FairMail.”

Mariaflor has an even better story explaining how she found out she got in first place of her entire faculty at the Universidad Cesar Vallejo: ”FairMail means a lot in my life. Besides photography training and workshops on important issues in our life such as self-esteem, sexuality, knowing how to make decisions and more issues we work on our personal development. The other day I received great news at the university when the lady at student administration asked me if I already knew that I ended in first place of my faculty? And that I would get a full scholarship for the next semester. I froze when I heard and asked her if she was kidding me! And if she could please repeat my name from the list as I did not believe her. But yes it was true, I was in first place! Wow, my face was smiling so much and I could not believe it. I am very happy for this news because the scholarship means a big saving for me I can no spend in the improvement of my mother’s house!”

The other teenagers in Peru are also doing great. Patricia, Yomira, Betty, Jorge, Clever, Sebastian and Anidela wrote that they are very happy to be learning more English from the volunteers, working on their personal growth and photography. And of course they are working hard on achieving their dreams to become an accountant (Anidela) engineer (clever), chef (Patricia, Juan Carlos and Sebastian), study human rights (Jorge) or business administration (Betty and Yomira) in university.

Mariaflor quiere lograr su meta: terminar la universidad

jueves, diciembre 8th, 2011
Mariaflor and her family

Mariaflor and her family

Hola me llamo María flor Alvarado Reyes y tengo 20 años, vivo con mi mama y mis 3 hermanos en El Milagro.

Conocí a FairMail  por una ONG llamada ACJ (asociación cristiana de jóvenes) y por medio de esta ONG  logre entrar a FairMail.

Para mi FairMail es una oportunidad mas grande de mi vida. Porque? Porque me enseñaron a soñar  y  poner metas para el futuro. En FairMail aprendí a  amar a la fotografía  y  aprendí a ver por intermedio de los ojos de un fotógrafo. En FairMail aprendí mucho sobre fotografías  como: técnicas, detalles, portretas, planos y mucho más. Con FairMail y las fotografías que tomo , tengo muchas oportunidades ya que estas postales son vendidas y exportadas . Las ganancias van a un fondo  que todos los participantes tienen. Con este dinero ganado pude construir parte de mi casa, comprar puertas, a también construir mi propio cuarto. Lo mas importante para mi es que con este dinero pude entra a una preparatoria.

The room Mariaflor built for herself

The room Mariaflor built for herself

Durante mi tiempo en FairMail realizamos viajes muy bonitos  con voluntarios extranjeros. Estos viajes son súper. Compartimos alegrías, sonrisas, miedos, etc.  Y claro  lo mas importante:  tomar fotografías  y asi tener muchas mas postales. Hasta ahora no lo puedo creer que con FairMail logre  ver las cosas de manera diferente (si te propones metas lo logras). Yo me propuse a guardar el dinero que ganaba en FairMail para la universidad.

Antes de salir de FairMail recibí una gran pero gran noticia. Quieren saber?  Claro viajar al extranjero fue una noticia súper! Estuve muy contenta. Este viaje lo realice gracias al apoyo de algunas empresas extranjeras. Conocí, como es el comercio de postales, y que tipo de postales gusta en diferentes países. Claro que a los países que visite como Holanda, Francia, Bélgica, Alemania, la pase súper chévere. Todos son muy amables.

Mariaflor during classes

Mariaflor during classes

A  me olvidaba de contarles que ingrese a la Universidad Cesar Vallejo. La carrera de ciencias de la comunicación  en el Iª   ciclo  me siento muy feliz por estar logrando lo que me propuse hace mucho tiempo. En la universidad llevo muchos cursos. Entre ellos esta  el curso de proceso de audiovisuales donde me enseñan a manejar cámaras, ángulos, movimientos, etc.. Ahora me encuentro realizando un mini programa  con mis compañeros. Doy agracias a dios por haber puesto a FairMail en mi vida.

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

Doy gracias a todas las personas que nos ayudan de alguna y otra manera. A fairmail  tanto a los de Perú como a los chicos de la India, próximamente  Marruecos  a su! FairMail se esta expandiendo mucho  mas. Estamos muy felices de logar todo. Gracias!

Atte. María flor Alvarado Reyes

(Le mas sobre Mariaflor, vota por sus fotos, manda un correo o compra sus postales con este vinculo.)