Posts Tagged ‘libros de fotografía’

Sugerencia para navidad: Regalar Felicidad

sábado, diciembre 9th, 2017
FairMail's Finding Happiness Photo Book

FairMail’s Finding Happiness Photo Book

With Christmas coming up you are surely thinking about what to give to your loved ones. You can make your friend or family member ánd the FairMail teenagers happy by giving FairMail’s photo book “Finding Happiness”.

This little book gives 56 pages of valuable insights on how to find happiness through the eyes of Peruvian teenagers. All of the valuable life-lessons on happiness and accompanying photographs where provided by our Peruvian photographers. The book is available in English, German and Spanish, starting at 34,95 euro.

Sharing Happiness starts here.

Encontrando la felicidad, a traves de los ojos de 10 jovenes fotografos Peruanos

miércoles, julio 12th, 2017
FairMail's Finding Happiness photo book

FairMail’s Finding Happiness photo book

According to 16 year old Angelica “The real secret of happiness is to request a lot from oneself and very little from others”.

She and her fellow FairMail photographers probably possess this wisdom through the hardships they have experienced in their young lives, forcing them to learn to turn adversities into forces for positive change. Their finest lessons in finding happiness have now been bundled into FairMail’s newest book, accompanied by the teenagers’ own photographs of course.

Simple happiness
The longer we work with FairMail teenagers, the more we realize that their unique talent lies in teaching us how to be happy with few material goods. This is what we started calling “simple happiness”.

In the areas where the teenagers live they can easily shoot images of people finding happiness in sharing moments with friends, playing with an old tire or having fun with a bucket of water. A huge contrast with teenagers of their age in the west who are often longing for the newest gadgets and fast kicks in pursuit of (often short lived) happiness. Proven by the success of the sale of the teenagers’ pictures on their fair trade greeting cards it seems that our customers like to be reminded of how to find this simple happiness.

Full of quotes and pictures by the FairMail teenagers

Full of quotes and pictures by the FairMail teenagers

How to lead a happy life
Thinking about new products on which we can market the teenagers pictures we came up with the idea to publish a booklet with their own phrases and pictures showing us how to find happiness. During a 4 week period the teenagers brainstormed about what happiness means to them and how to lead a happy life. After that they started thinking about when or how to take the picture to accompany their quotes to bring across the message.

Finding Happiness Book
The result is this new book with the teenagers’ nicest quotes and best pictures. A great gift for a friend who is looking for some support or for yourself if you want to get some inspiration from the FairMail teenagers. It is available as hard-cover in English, German and Spanish through FairMail’s online Blurb bookstore.

The book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of volunteers Alex (lay-put), Cristina and Tom (photography training), Johanna, Ronja, Lukas and Anna (translation). So muuuuuchas gracias to them!

NUEVO: libros fotográficos de comercio justo

martes, marzo 18th, 2014
FairMail Peru teenagers showing their own fairtrade photography books

FairMail Peru teenagers showing their own fairtrade photography books

Estamos orgullosos de anunciar un nuevo producto que ofrece de nuestras grandes fotos de los adolescentes: libros de fotografía de FairMail!

En cooperación con Blurb los adolescentes de FairMail en Perú y la India diseñaron diferentes libros de fotos ellos mismos, que ya están a la venta en la librería en línes de FairMail.

El éxito de ventas hasta el momento es el libro de Sandhya Rao «La vida a lo largo del Ganges«, donde trata de mostrar la vida de las personas que viven a lo largo del Ganges y la forma en que , de acuerdo con Sandhya disfrutar cada momento de su vida.

Otros adolescentes eligieron para mostrar el orgullo que sienten por la belleza de sus países , hicieron una colección de sus Fotografías favoritas o simplemente mostrarle al mundo a través de los ojos de la adolescencia.

Echa un vistazo a todos ellos en la librería en línes de FairMail. Los precios comienzan en US $ 20 cada uno.

Fairtrade Photography Book by Sandhya Rao

Fairtrade Photography Book by Sandhya Rao

Fairtrade Photography Book by Angeles

Fairtrade Photography Book by Angeles

Fairtrade Photography Book by Anil Rao

Fairtrade Photography Book by Anil Rao