Posts Tagged ‘aider’

(English) FairMail makes it to the finals of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition

mercredi, mai 30th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

15 Finalists of Ben & Jerry's Join Our Core Competition

15 Finalists of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition

Last Week FairMail learned it made it to the finals of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition. Ben & Jerry’s are on the hunt for some bright sparks in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden & the Netherlands, who are creating cool new models for sustainable business which will help make a difference in communities. To decide who would go through to the finals 25 social entrepreneurs from 5 countries had to pitch for a panel of judges in the « Dragon’s Den » studio in London on Wednesday the 23rd of May. Ben & Jerry’s founder Jerry Greenfield was amongst the judges just like Dutch astronaut Wubbo Ockels.

The five Dutch finalist with Jerry Greenfield

The five Dutch finalist with Jerry Greenfield

That same evening the judges announced that FairMail was one of the 15 finalists battling for the final victory during a 10 day mission in Uganda in August. There FairMail founder Peter Den Hond will have to work alongside young local social entrepreneurs trying to diversify the income of the farming members of the local fair trade vanilla cooperative that is used to make Ben & Jerry’s delicious ice cream.

If FairMail wins it not only means a 10.000 euro cheque to invest in FairMail, but also mentioning of FairMail’s name and logo on Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tubs plus 6 months mentoring by Ashoka. The final result will be on the 22nd of August 2012.

There is also a People’s voting competition. With your vote you can help FairMail win an additional 1.000 euro prize to invest in the setting up of FairMail Morocco. Just click here to cast you vote. Thank you so much!

(English) Help FairMail and give your opinion

mardi, mai 8th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Nederlands.

Fair Media Foundation

Fair Media Foundation

FairMail heeft jouw hulp nodig! Of beter gezegd de Fair Media Foundation heeft je hulp nodig. De FairMedia Foundation is opgericht in samenwerking met FairMail en steunt projecten, zodat kansarme  maar creatieve jongeren wereldwijd zelf geld verdienen voor hun eigen toekomst. Deze projecten geven de jongeren een kans om hun creativiteit en zelfvertrouwen te ontwikkelen.

Om de Fair Media Foundation succesvol op te starten wordt er een onderzoek gedaan naar de potentiële doelgroep en communicatiestrategie. Daarnaast onderzoeken we hoe communicatie kan bijdragen aan de fondsenwerving. Zodat de Fair Media Foundation donaties en donateurs kan verwelkomen en verschillende projecten kan steunen.

Jij kunt ons helpen door deze enquête in te vullen via de volgende link. De enquête wordt geheel anoniem verwerkt en duurt circa 5 minuten.

Het onderzoek wordt gedaan door Ashna Singh (21), studente Marketing & Communicatie aan de Hogeschool Rotterdam. Naast haar studie zet ze zich in voor andere maatschappelijke projecten en werkt ze als communicatie- en marketingmedewerker bij een internetbedrijf. Dit onderzoek staat voor haar in het teken van haar afstuderen. Na dit traject zal zij het onderzoek moeten verdedigen en rondt zij haar Hbo-opleiding af. “Mijn motivatie om bij de Fair Media Foundation af te studeren is, omdat ik graag in de toekomst een project in India wil starten. De Fair Media Foundation geeft mij de kans om ervaring op te doen in deze branche.” vertelt Ashna.

(English) Help FairMail a hand and win!

jeudi, juin 30th, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Although the years longest day is just behind us, FairMail is already working hard on the busy Christmas season. This year we want to get companies and organizations to send FairMail Christmas cards or include our gift sets in their Christmas gift boxes for employees.

We can really use your help for that! Become a hero and put us in contact with the person in charge of Christmas cards at your emploer. A digital flyer of what we have to offer can be found by clicking here.

If you are interested we can also send you a paper version with pricelist by mail. Our experience tells us that it works best if you hand over the information personally to your collegue in charge of Christmas cards. After that we can take over the contact and deal with the special wishes and give a detailed price quote.

Everyone who helps FairMail with a corporate Christmas order will receive on of the new 2012 fair trade calendars for free!

Last year 4 FairMail fans helped us with Christmas card orders for Korrels, De Leeuwenkuil, ETC and the Twents Carmel College. Thanks again to Annemieke, Sanne, Frank and Els!

If you want to help us, click here to contact us .

Thanks in advance!

FairMail Christmas flyerr
FairMail Christmas flyer webview (PDF, 1,7 Mb)