Archive for the category "Perou"

FairMail manager en voormalig fotograaf is afgestudeerd!

mardi, mai 11th, 2021

Een enorme prestatie voor haar en een oneindige bron van trots en inspiratie voor FairMail 

Anidela kwam bij FairMail in 2011 toen ze nog maar 13 jaar oud was. Nadat ze “gepensioneerd” was als fotograaf solliciteerde ze voor de positie van FairMail Manager in Peru en sindsdien werkt ze in die functie. Naast haar toewijding aan FairMail bleef Anidela altijd haar hoofddoel voor ogen houden: afstuderen aan de universiteit.
Ze studeerde op 14 April 2021 af aan de privé Universiteit “Leonardo da Vinci”, bij de faculteit Bedrijfskunde. Haar afstudeeronderzoek ging over de arbeidsomstandigheden van de werknemers van een middelgroot agrarisch bedrijf in Peru. Na 5 jaar en meer dan 50 examens is haar droom uitgekomen. We hebben Anidela geïnterviewd over deze mijlpaal en dit is wat ze zei: 

Anidela, waarom heb je Bedrijfskunde gekozen?
Eerst was ik meer geïnteresseerd in boekhouden. Op de middelbare school was ik goed met cijfers dus ik dacht dat accountancy goed zou matchen met mijn talent. Toen leerde ik een collega van mijn vader kennen en die inspireerde me om Bedrijfskunde te gaan studeren. Ik ben erg blij met mijn keuze want deze studie heeft een uitgebreider curriculum met ook personeelszaken, gezondheid op het werk en salarisbeheer. Dus ik heb meer kansen om een ​​baan te vinden.

Je hebt een belangrijk levensdoel bereikt, hoe voel je je daarover?
Ik zou niet gelukkiger kunnen zijn. De dag van de presentatie van mijn proefschrift was ik erg zenuwachtig, ik had een week lang niet goed kunnen slapen en eten! Vanwege Covid-beperkingen was de presentatie online en ik besloot dat vanuit het FairMail-kantoor te doen omdat de internetverbinding in mijn huis niet altijd betrouwbaar is en ik geen enkel risico wilde nemen. Gelukkig is alles goed gegaan!
Ik ben ook bijzonder trots op het feit dat ik, dankzij mijn opbrengsten van FairMail, mijn studie zelf kon financieren, zonder dat dit gevolgen had voor het gezinsbudget. Ik ben altijd onafhankelijk geweest en dat is een onbetaalbaar gevoel.

Wat vindt je familie ervan dat je bent afgestudeerd?
Ze zijn erg trots op me. Ik ben de eerste in mijn familie die afstudeert en dat maakt hen erg blij. Ik heb veel geluk want ze hebben mijn keuze altijd gesteund en ik heb al die jaren het gevoel gehad dat ze aan mijn kant stonden.

 Welke rol speelde FairMail in je onderwijs?
Ik denk altijd dat als FairMail er niet was geweest, ik niet aan de universiteit zou zijn begonnen, laat staan ​​afgestudeerd. Toen ik fotograaf was bleef ik mezelf eraan herinneren dat, als ik goed zou werken en goede foto’s zou maken, ik dan meer kansen zou hebben om ze te verkopen en geld te verdienen om mijn studie te betalen. En dus dat is wat er gebeurde. Mijn familie kon de kosten van mijn studie niet betalen omdat mijn oudere zus op dat moment ook studeerde. Dus FairMail speelde een essentiële rol in mijn opleiding.

 Zijn er plannen voor de toekomst?
Nou … veel! Allereerst ben ik van plan om als manager van FairMail te blijven werken. Het is een baan die ik erg leuk vind en die me financiële stabiliteit geeft, wat erg belangrijk is gezien de tijd waarin we leven. Als het economisch beter gaat in het land wil ik graag een parttime baan zoeken in Bedrijfsadministratie. Mijn lange termijn doel is om zelf een bedrijf te runnen in chocolade producten. Dit is iets dat ik al jaren informeel doe (ik maak graag bonbons) en ik zou er graag een kleine zaak van willen maken voor naast mijn baan.

Het resultaat dat Anidela neerzet dekt precies wat FairMail wil bereiken want ze belichaamt ermee onze missie: onderwijs promoten als de drijvende kracht achter sociale en economische empowerment. Het is voor ons dan ook geweldig om haar deze mijlpaal te zien halen.
Gefeliciteerd, Anidela, je hebt ons allemaal heel blij en trots gemaakt!




FairMail and FairTrade Scotland announce partnership

lundi, avril 27th, 2020

Life can be full of surprises. What if we tell you that everything happened by pure chance? FairMail director Federica was in line at Lima airport to board her plane back to Italy when she met Fair Trade Scotland Director Eve Broadis. The two stood in line for 15 minutes together and the idea of joining forces was born.

Staring from April 1, Fair Trade Scotland will be distributing FairMail cards in Scotland. We are currently working on a pioneering project to sell cards in corporation offices and stores.

We are particularly proud of this collaboration because both FairMail and Fair Trade Scotland are WFTO members, which is a consumer guarantee that the two companies are committed to the 10 WFTO Fair Trade Principles.

In addition, being the cards published by the UK non-profit organization Love from the Artist, we guarantee a fair and ethical chain from producer to consumer.

As FairTrade Scotland director Eve Broadis says: “ The COVID-19 crisis represents a unique historical moment for us to practice solidarity in our day-to-day activities and create the world we want to live in. Now too is the time to make strong demands that our communities receive the resources they need to thrive beyond this crisis and move collectively toward the more fair, just world we want to see.”

We like to think of our partnership as a seed that is being planted in the midst of a storm and we can’t wait to see the fruit it will bear.

If you are a Scottish enterprise or store and are interested in supporting the FairMail teenagers and becoming part of our Scottish community of fair-trade enthusiasts, don’t hesitate to contact us at  or, we’ll be happy to provide you with all information you might need.

When a pandemic hits the lower rungs of society

lundi, avril 20th, 2020

What FairMail is doing and how you can support FairMail teenagers’ families

It was clearly just a matter of time before COVID-19 spread to South America and Peru.
On Monday March 16, President Vizcarra has addressed the nation declaring the state of emergency and implementing a set of preventive measures to avoid the spread of the virus.
In line with the decisions taken by the government, FairMail classes have been suspended until April 26. The FairMail photographers are spending the quarantine at home with their families.
To fight boredom and create a sense of continuity with their normal class routine, we have tasked them with DIY projects and home photo sessions.

After almost a month in lock-down we couldn’t help but notice that if, on the one hand technology is bringing us together, nurturing a sense of global community and solidarity, on the other, the spread of a pandemic disease widens social and economic disparities.
Our limited but first-hand experience with the families of the FairMail teenagers is showing us that low income-families are the ones who are suffering, and will suffer, the greatest repercussions.

The parents of the FairMail teenagers either run small family businesses or are employed informally, which means that they live day by day and do not benefit from any state subsidies.
Because of the quarantine, they had to suspend all their activities, which, simply put, means no income for the weeks to come.

To support them in this critical time, FairMail is releasing emergency food funds to make sure that the families have enough to eat and it continues to release health funds to the photographers and their direct family members. Since the beginning of lockdown, FairMail card sales have dropped dramatically as our main retail and online sale channels across Europe have been temporarily closed.

If you want to show your support to our teenagers and their families in this critical time, you can either purchase FairMail cards on our Web Shop, on Love from the Artist or make a donation (every little amount counts) directly to the food fund of the teenagers – contact us at

If it is true, as they say, that you need to step back, before you leap forward, we want to live this time as a time to reconnect with each other and with the people we love, a time for new ideas to be born and for energies to be restored.

We’ll be back, as loud and creative as ever!

Celebrating Women Leaders in the WFTO community

vendredi, mars 8th, 2019

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, and inspired by the WFTO campaign on #womenleaders, we interviewed FairMail Peruvian managers Anidela Rios Pizan (21) and Angeles Acevedo Bobadilla (22) to gain a better insight of what being a young woman leader in Peru really means. As a women-owned and led social enterprise, we are committed to the principle of gender equality and women empowerment and with this interview we want to celebrate all women worldwide in decision making and managerial positions within the WFTO community.

What are you proud of about your work?

Angeles: I’m proud about a lot of things but If I had to pick one, I’d say that I really like when the FairMail photographers come to me for advice. In those moments I realize that the relationships we build go behind the manager-photographer dynamic and it’s more like a relationship between friends. It makes me feel special that they see me as someone they can trust and rely on and this motivates me to be a good role model and the best possible version of myself.

Anidela: I feel particularly proud when I’m helping the photographers turn their photo ideas into beautiful images. I really like to be part of this creative process: choosing the props, the background, the lights and everything. And the best part is when we look back at the first images they took and realize the progress they’ve made.

What was your situation before you started working for Fair Trade?

Angeles: I remember I was a bit lost, because I had just failed an entry test at university, and I didn’t really know what do next. I figured that I would stay at home, helping my mother out and give myself some time to reconsider my future plans. I didn’t really have anything solid on my hands.

Anidela: I was studying (and still am) Business Management at the university of Trujillo and I had a part-time job selling meals at the bus terminal with my aunt. I’ve never complained about the job, but I knew I could do more.

How has working here changed impacted your life/ your family/ your community?

Angeles: working for FairMail has significantly contributed to my personal growth and helped me realize what I want to do with my life. I have learned how to run a small enterprise, and this makes me feel more confident about my skills and potential. I am now more aware of what I can achieve in life.  Economically speaking I can now support myself and my family and I love the feeling of being free to decide how I want to invest my money for my future. I can pay for my studies knowing that I’m not being a burden for my family.

Anidela: On a personal level I feel more confident and responsible. I’m using what I’ve learned in FairMail to give advice to my sisters and help them make better choices for their lives. I was particularly happy when a professor of mine from university congratulated me on my achievement as a FairMail manager. I also love the fact that I can support my family and my sisters, and it makes me feel really happy to know that my parents are very proud of me.

What do you hope to achieve in the future?

Angeles: I want to get my English certification and start university in August. I’m also saving money for my 2020 trip to Europe!

Anidela: At an educational level, I want to graduate on time and start taking English classes. At a professional level I want to create a webpage for my chocolate-making business and at a  personal level, I want to buy myself a camera and keep taking pictures!

What are the challenges you are facing being a woman leader?

Angeles: In FairMail, I’ve never had any problem for being a woman, in fact I think that being a woman brings me closer to the teenage photographers. Outside FairMail, it sometimes happens that people don’t take me seriously because they see me as young and unexperienced. What bothers me the most is that they think they know how to do my job better than me and it’s always frustrating to have to prove them wrong.

Anidela: my experience is very similar to Angeles’. Some of the people we deal with outside FairMail find it difficult to accept that a young woman can be in charge of an enterprise and they simply don’t take me seriously. I always have to make twice the effort to gain their trust first, and then to be listened.

What’s your message to other women?

Angeles: To other women in decision making positions, I’d say be honest to yourself and to others. Never let diminishing remarks question how much you value and find your way to be independent so that no one can stop you from shaping your own future. Last but not least, I would say never stop learning, it’s the only way to keep growing and improving.

Anidela: Never be afraid to show who you really are and what you are capable of achieving. Never feel lesser than your male counterparts and don’t let people underestimate you.

A special guest from Brazil

lundi, janvier 28th, 2019

On Saturday (28/01) we had a special guest from Brazil. Professor Edson Sadao Iizuka from the Management Department of the « Centro Universitário FEI of São Paolo is conducting a research study on social enterprises based in South America that operate on an international level. He’s traveling across the continent to gain a first-hand experience on how they work, their potential and the challenges they are facing. The focus of his research is on the internationalization of social enterprises and on how they can become stronger players in the market.

He spent the whole day with us learning about FairMail and interviewing directors Kira and Federica, local managers Angeles and Anidela and photographers Julisa and Kzannier.

Talking to him was inspiring to say the least because he gave us a broader perspective on the role of social enterprises in South America and a very clear picture on the common challenges that this type of businesses faces every day.

It was an honor for us to contribute to his research and we look forward to reading his final paper.

FairMail recruiting process – how does it work?

mercredi, janvier 16th, 2019

Three new photographers have recently joined FairMail – you’ll get to know them soon! –  and one of the questions that we are most frequently asked is about the recruiting process. How does it work? Where do we take the photographers? How do we decide who enters FairMail? With this blog post we’ll walk you through the entire process to become a FairMail photographer.

Whenever one of the older photographers turn 19, they leave FairMail and therefore there is a vacancy to be filled. We normally work with 10 teenagers, although there are times when we have more and times when we have less.

We collaborate with local NGOs and associations that recommend us boys and girls that might fit well in FairMail: motivated, respectful and willing to learn. Having photography skills is not a requirement.

Once we have our choice of prospect photographers, we train them for a period of time that can range between one month and two. The training consists in free photography classes where they learn the basics of photography and they start familiarizing with their cameras.

At the end of the training period the prospect photographers take a theory and a practical test that help us realize how much they have learned. The result of test, combined with an assessment of their attitude and personality give us a clear picture of who can become a FairMail photographers.

When the decision is made, the new photographers, together with their families, are introduced to FairMail and they sign the contract that will rule their participation in FairMail. From this moment on, they embark on a journey of personal and professional growth that will hopefully help them become the adult they want to be.


dimanche, décembre 30th, 2018

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

Every year, FairMail recognizes one photographer who has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty by naming him/her Photographer of the Year.

The election of the Photographer of the Year usually takes place on the last class of the year and it is done through anonymous voting. Every member of FairMail votes for the person that has best embodied the 5 core values of FairMail: motivation, responsibility, honesty, solidarity and punctuality.

This year the election was particularly exciting because we had a tie between Julissa and Medalit, two of the most experienced FairMail photographers. What eventually made the difference was the extra point that we give to the person who has collected the highest number of green points (merit points) throughout the year, and not surprisingly this extra point went to…Julissa!

It was clear to everyone how she distinguished herself not only for her great photography skills but also for her personality that makes her a natural leader and role model within FairMail. She is an enthusiastic photographer who is willing to take up more initiatives and accepts more of tasks apart from her regular class routine. She is not afraid of responsibility and her positive attitude has an impact on the whole team. For these and many other reasons we couldn’t agree more on the result of this year’s election.

Well done, Julissa!!



(English) Ethical Secret Santa

mardi, décembre 18th, 2018

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

Christmas is around the corner and this year we decided to give a little twist to our Amigo Secreto (Secret Santa) gift-exchange tradition. Although in FairMail we have always tried to avoid the trap of consumerism, we realize that excessive consumption has a momentous impact on our planet, and to put it simply, we don’t like that. Way too often we end up spending money to buy things that we don’t need just because at Christmas you are kind of supposed to. For these and many other reasons, we decided to further simplify our Christmas by inspiring the teenagers with the ethical hierarchy of gift exchange.  Gifts can surely come in many forms, including the non-physical. Giving your time, sharing your skills, creating memories bring more value to both the giver and the receiver. By shifting the focus from material gifts to shared experiences we hope to see the teenagers bond and have a more meaningful Christmas.

Gabriel’s success story: from the streets to professional photographer

mercredi, octobre 10th, 2018

We are often asked what the teenagers do when they leave FairMail and how we keep track of their progress. This is the story of Gabriel, undoubtedly one FairMail’s most talented photographers. He was 14 years old when he joined FairMail, living in a local boy home. Last December Gabriel turned 19 and therefore left FairMail. What is he up to know? Let’s find out!

Gabriel, what are you doing at the moment?

I’m currently studying Communication at the University of UPAO in Trujillo. I am also a member of Runa Foto, a photo club in Trujillo. I love taking part in their photo workshops and excursions because it gives me the possibility to further improve my photo skills and it brings me closer to become a professional photographer. The Christian organization Luz de Vida is supporting me on a more personal level thought their personal development workshops.

What are your goals for the near/mid-term-future?

My main goal at the moment is to finish my studies and become a successful professional so that I can pursue my dreams and help other people do so. In the future, I would love to go on a trip to Mexico to train as a photographer and to learn more about the country and its culture. I would also like to visit the United States to share life stories with young Christian people. Last but not least, I would like to improve my housing conditions.

How has FairMail helped you grow and how is it supporting you now that you left?

FairMail supported me in multiple aspects of my life. In the first place, it has allowed me to develop as a photographer and as a person. In FairMail I have learnt how to make better decisions for my life and it has helped me achieve a cleared picture of my future. Secondly, thanks to FairMail I was able to pay for University and for English classes thanks to the money that I’ve earned (and I’m still earning) with the sales of my cards. Last but not least, FairMail gave me the opportunity to travel across Peru and create unforgettable memories with fellow photographers, travelers and volunteers from all over the world.

This Christmas let’s go fair trade! Brand new photo catalogue out!

mardi, octobre 9th, 2018

Happy to nnounce that the new Christmas Catalogue is out!
If you want to surprise your clients, family, friends or colleagues this year, go fair trade with your Christmas cards! FairMail Christmas cards are not only a treat for your eyes but also a powerful choice to contribute to the personal empowerment of our teenage photographers.

During the month of July, the FairMail teenagers have worked on their Christmas pictures. All of a sudden, the office turned into an out-of-season Christmas laboratory with a present-wrapping station and a permanent cinnamon smell in the air!

The photographers were challenged to create Christmas images using everyday objects and the results will most likely surprise you! From chocolate cookies to coffee beans including buttons, lentils and coco powder, they’ve used them all!

You can buy our cards on our web shop, or on Greetz web site. If you want to get personalized Christmas cards for your company or your family and friends, you can have a look at our Christmas catalogue here.

Don’t miss the opportunity to give a meaningful Christmas card this year, you’ll make the difference in the lives of our teenage photographers!