Photographe Anil du FairMail Inde investit dans son avenir

Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Last month we received the following message from FairMail India photographer Anil Kumar:

« Hi
I am Anil Kumar, a photographer of FairMail India. I have been working in FairMail for the past three and half years and it has been a great privileged to work in this company. For that me and my family are thankful to FairMail.

I did not know how to read and write when I started in FairMail in 2009. With the money I earned in FairMail I started private tuition. And after that I joined an English spoken course. Now I can read and write English and I can also understand and speak English. I am continuing with both courses and keeping my hope to grow in the future.

Anil in action

Anil in action

I also bought my own DSLR camera with my FairMail earnings. I am very happy with that as my future dream is to become a professional wild life photographer and I believe that I will achieve my goal. Thanks. »

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