(English) Two Indian FairMail teenagers back into the school benches

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

tuition150After years without going to school, two teenagers of FairMail India are following classes again since the beginning of this year. With their income from the sale of their cards they hired a private tutor to help them catch up. Lack of money and responsibilities for their families made that Anil and Akaash hadn’t been to school for some years now.

At FairMail photography is a means for teenagers to realize their own dreams. For some of them this roads leads past the university or some sort of advanced education. But others dream of working with their hands and investing in their own business. That is why school is not the best option for all of the teenagers. Especially if they have already fallen behind a couple of years. But still FairMail believes it will be almost impossible to accomplish your dream if you can’t at least read, write and know some maths. Luckily our manager Akshay and some of the teenagers colleagues managed to convince the two boys of this after some initial doubts from their side.

This made the surprise even bigger when we heard a few weeks back that one of the two boys, Anil, has gotten so enthusiastic about following classes that he wants to return to a proper school! As you can imagine we are very happy that FairMail gave him the opportunity to rediscover his passion to learn.

Read more about Anil’s plans for the future by clicking here.

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One Response to “(English) Two Indian FairMail teenagers back into the school benches”

  1. Derk dit :

    Hello Fairmal,
    Que buenas noticias! Congratulations to Fairmail and to Anil and Akaash for this important achievements in their lives! This is the kind of impact that is so important and it is great to see that you are empowering your own lives… All the best for you in the future!!