Posts Tagged ‘huanchaco’

(Français) Uniting for Clean Shores: FairMail Joins UPN Students in Beach Cleaning Initiative

Montag, November 13th, 2023

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Français verfügbar.

In a powerful display of community collaboration, students from the Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN) took the lead in organizing a beach cleaning event yesterday to address the increasing presence of plastic waste along the northern Peruvian coastline, and FairMail was proud to stand alongside them in this impactful initiative.

What We Found

The FairMail photographers and the UPN students, combed through the sandy stretches, armed with gloves and bags, collecting an alarming amount of plastic waste. The litter included single-use plastics, discarded bottles, and remnants of packaging that, if left unchecked, could have found their way into the delicate marine ecosystem.

Peru’s Pacific coast faces a growing threat from ocean plastic pollution. The alarming statistics reveal the urgency of collective action: the ICUN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) estimates that approximately 14 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans each year, adversely affecting marine life, ecosystems, and human health. What’s wrost is that this number is expected to triple by 2040.

The Pacific coast of Peru, with its rich marine biodiversity, is particularly vulnerable to this crisis. The plastic waste found on our beaches is just a fraction of what lurks beneath the surface, posing severe threats to the marine life that calls these waters home.

FairMail’s Commitment to Sustainable Practices

At FairMail, we believe in the power of collective action to drive positive change. Joining forces with the UNP students in this beach cleaning event aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and community engagement. The simple act of cleaning the beach serves as a poignant reminder of our shared responsibility to protect and preserve our natural resources.

Stay tuned for more updates on our environmental initiatives and community engagement efforts. Let’s keep our beaches clean and our oceans thriving!


(English) Ethical Secret Santa

Dienstag, Dezember 18th, 2018

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.

Christmas is around the corner and this year we decided to give a little twist to our Amigo Secreto (Secret Santa) gift-exchange tradition. Although in FairMail we have always tried to avoid the trap of consumerism, we realize that excessive consumption has a momentous impact on our planet, and to put it simply, we don’t like that. Way too often we end up spending money to buy things that we don’t need just because at Christmas you are kind of supposed to. For these and many other reasons, we decided to further simplify our Christmas by inspiring the teenagers with the ethical hierarchy of gift exchange.  Gifts can surely come in many forms, including the non-physical. Giving your time, sharing your skills, creating memories bring more value to both the giver and the receiver. By shifting the focus from material gifts to shared experiences we hope to see the teenagers bond and have a more meaningful Christmas.

FairMail Fotografieausstellung in Peru „Cultura Viva de Huanchaco“

Freitag, März 13th, 2015

Bryan skate graffitiIm März organisierte FairMail-Peru zwei Fotoausstellungen zu dem Thema: „gelebte Kultur in Huanchaco aus dem Blickwinkel einheimischer Jugendlicher“.

Huanchaco ist berühmt für seine Fischfangtechnik in traditionellen Fischerbooten aus Schilfrohr (Nach Aussagen einiger Fans seien sie auch der eigentliche Ursprung des Surfens). Und es ist berühmt für seine Köstlichkeiten, die aus dem Fang zubereitet werden. Wir wollten dieses Image von Huanchaco mit der Ausstellung wieder auffrischen und den Einfluss neuer Subkulturen auf das Leben in Huanchaco zeigen.

Angeles covering the elderly in Huanchaco

Angeles covering the elderly in Huanchaco

Dafür dokumentierte jeder unserer Jugendlichen eine anderes Subkultur: Skaten, Graffiti, Surfen, Kunsthandwerker, Straßenverkäufer, Yoga-Ausübende. Der Jugendliche interviewte und begleitete „sein Modell“ über sechs Wochen. Es entstanden zu jedem Thema acht Ausstellungsfotos mit erklärenden Texten über die jeweilige Subkultur.

An zwei Ausstellungsorten, bei Jugeria Yolit in Huanchaco und bei der Alianza Francesa in Trujillo, präsentierten die Jugendlichen ihre Werke. Etwa 200 Besucher kamen und in drei Zeitungen bzw. Zeitschriften wurde über diese einzigartige Ausstellung berichtet.

Kzanier documenting the influence of yoga on Huanchaco's culture

Kzanier documenting the influence of yoga on Huanchaco’s culture

Wir danken unserem Sponsor Grafica Real aus Trujillo für die Übernahme der Druckkosten und für eine Führung unserer Jugendlicher durch die Druckerei. Jugeria Yolit und der Alianza Francesa danken wir für das Zurverfügungstellen der Veranstaltungsräume.

Dante covering the surfing sub culture in Huanchaco

Dante covering the surfing sub culture in Huanchaco

Gabriel Juan documenting the

Gabriel Juan documenting the „raspadilla“ seller

Diana covering the local fishermen in their reed fishing boats

Diana covering the local fishermen in their reed fishing boats

Jorge documenting the food stall sellers along the beach

Jorge documenting the food stall sellers along the beach

Anidela documenting the artisans who make the souveniers for the many tourists visiting Huanchaco

Anidela documenting the artisans who make the souveniers for the many tourists visiting Huanchaco