Posts Tagged ‘kaushal’

Les adolescents indiens investissent plus de 100 000 roupies pour leur logement

vendredi, mai 1st, 2015
Kaushal's house with a new top floor

Kaushal’s house with a new top floor

Malgré la très triste nouvelle de la fermeture de FairMail Inde en Octobre 2014, nous sommes heureux que la vente des cartes indiennes de FairMail continue d’avoir un impact positif sur les adolescents et leurs familles. Sur les derniers mois de l’année 2014, cinq des adolescents ont investi plus de 100 000 roupies (environ 1 500 € ) dans la construction de leur maison familiale.

Par exemple, Aradhana, 17 ans, a commencé la construction de la propre maison familiale dans la banlieue de Varanasi. Ceci signifie qu’ils n’auront plus à payer de loyer avec le petit salaire de son père, travaillant dans une activité en lien avec le transport par charrette. Kaushal a réussi à offrir à sa famille une deuxième amélioration dans leur maison. Pendant ce temps, Sandhya  a investi pour remplacer la petite pièce où elle vivait avec toute sa famille pour une nouvelle maison de 2 étages. Anil Kumar et Anil Rao ont également réussi à apporter des améliorations significatives dans leurs foyers et son entretien. Anil Rao a permis à sa famille de louer une partie de leur maison à d’autres personnes pour gagner plus d’argent.

Sandhya's new home under construction

Sandhya’s new home under construction

Nous sommes très heureux de ces bonnes nouvelles après le choix difficile de fermer FairMail Inde. Malheureusement, notre décision semble encore être la moins mauvaise décision à prendre de par les tensions qui persistent encore entre certaines familles de nos anciens adolescents. Notre ancien membre de l’équipe est toujours détenu en prison depuis juillet 2014, avec des accusations qui n’ont pas encore été correctement vérifiées. Une situation très triste qui semble de plus en plus difficile d’influencer malgré nos intentions.

(English) Indian Photographer Kaushal full fills his dreams

mercredi, août 31st, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Kaushal in action

Kaushal in action

Hello… Namaste… I am Kaushal and I am a photographer at FairMail India.

I am 15 now and I joined FairMail two and a half years ago. Before that I didn’t know anything about cameras. First I wanted to learn a lot and try to take some nice photographs to earn some money and help my family, but now that I understand it more I have a dream to become a professional photographer and take many creative photographs all around the world. I have lots of creative ideas and sometimes I have to spend a long time on my picture until I am happy it is perfect. I have four more years to study at my school and then I hope I will be able to study a Bachelor of Fine Arts course at the University here in Varanasi and use my photography skills.

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

In my family I have only sister, my grandmother and my mother. My father died when I was at the age of ten so it was a big burden for my mother to care for me and my whole family. I did not have any hope in my life because of my families’ situation. But in February of 2009 I was been selected to work in FairMail India. There I learnt how to be creative by taking picture and I was also encouraged to think about a dream for my life so now my dream is to become a good photographer and become a psychologist. Now I am very positive that I can reach my goal.

From the sales of my first card at FairMail I was able to earn 5.000 Rupees and I used the money to build a second room at my house. I live with my sister, my mother and my grandmother and before I had the money we all lived in one room together, now there is a little more space for my family.

Kaushal with his new laptop

Kaushal with his new laptop

This year I bought a laptop for my study as I am in high school and for my sister to use. She has a job typing in Hindi but before we had the computer she had to walk far in the dark to another computer and I thought it was dangerous for her and I was always worried about her. Now I have bought my laptop she can type at home and earn some more money for our family. I never thought that I will ever own a laptop in my life but FairMail made my dream full fill. Now I am saving my FairMail money to pay for my University course and I will also finish the building of my house.

One day I hope I will be a very famous photographer and when I am I would like to say thank you to FairMail for teaching me and go to FairMail in Peru as a volunteer to teach more teenagers how to be good photographers. I hope you like my photographs.

I want to thank FairMail and also to all who buy cards of FairMail because this makes our dream full fill.


Kaushal Das

(To watch the video of Kaushal in action taking pictures in Varanasi, click here. To buy Kaushal’s cards, click here)