Posts Tagged ‘Fotografen’

Neue Video Updates der Jugendlichen von FairMail online

Mittwoch, September 7th, 2016
Video update by FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

Video update by FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

Das Tolle an FairMail Karten ist, dass Sie auf der Rückseite jeder Karte sehen können, wen Sie durch Ihren Kauf direkt unterstützen. Jeder Jugendliche von FairMail hat seine oder ihre eigene Geschichte über Träume, Schwierigkeiten, Leidenschaften und wie sie im Leben voran kommen.

Wir haben nun die persönlichen Profilseiten unserer derzeitigen Fotografen in Peru mit 9 neu aufgenommenen Videos aktualisiert. Sie können sich alle Videos entweder weiter unten oder auf der jeweiligen persönlichen Profilseite der Jugendlichen anschauen.

Anidela (18):

Juan Gabriel (17):

Angelica (16):

Bryan (16):

Medalit (16):

Kzanier (16):

Julissa (16):

Dante (15):

Paul (14):

Die Hochs und Tiefs sowie die Zukunftspläne unserer peruanischen Jugendlichen

Donnerstag, Februar 4th, 2016
FairMail Peru photographer Paul telling about his highs and lows

FairMail Peru photographer Paul telling about his highs and lows

Für die peruanischen Jugendlichen war das Jahr 2015 ein Jahr voller Knochenbrüche, zerbrochener Freundschaften, 1. Platz Belegungen, Beförderungen, wertvoller Lektionen im Leben und vieler anderer Dinge.

Extra für Sie haben wir die Jugendlichen darum gebeten, ihre persönlichen Profile mit ihren Hochs und Tiefs des vergangenen Jahres zu erweitern. Zudem schreiben Sie über ihre Pläne für das kommende Jahr und erklären wie sie das Geld, das sie durch den Kartenverkauf verdienen, verwenden um auf die Universität zu gehen, Englisch zu lernen oder ein eigenes Geschäft zu starten.

Klicken Sie hier um die Profile der Fotografen anzuschauen.

Außerdem haben wir auch neue Videos von 4 der neuesten FairMail Fotografen (Dante, Angelica, Paul and Medalit) hochgeladen:

Die indischen Jugendlichen verbesserten für über 100.000 Rupien ihre Zuhause

Freitag, Mai 1st, 2015
Kaushal's house with a new top floor

Kaushal’s house with a new top floor

Trotz des traurigen Umstandes, das FairMail-Indien im letzten Oktober 2014 seine Türen schließen musste, sind wir froh, dass der weitergehende Verkauf der indischen Postkarten nach wie vor eine positive Auswirkungen auf die Jugendlichen und ihre Familien hat. Mehr als 100.000 Rupien (über 1.500 Euro) gaben fünf Jugendliche allein in den letzten Monaten von 2014 für Baumaterial aus:

– Die 17. jährige Aradhana konnte mit dem Bau eines Hauses in einem Außenbezirk von Varanasi beginnen. Das bedeutet, dass eines Tages nicht länger Anteile vom Lohn ihres Vaters in die Miete gehen müssen. Für das Ziehen von Karren erhält er nur wenig.

Kaushal konnte das Haus seiner Familie aufstocken.

Sandhya konnte den einzigen kleinen Raum, in dem sie mit der gesamten Familie lebte, gegen ein eigenes Haus eintauschen.

Anil Kumar und Anil Rao konnten wesentliche Instandsetzungsarbeiten bezahlen. Anil Raos Familie kann dadurch Menschen gegen Geld in ihrem Haus aufnehmen.

Sandhya's new home under construction

Sandhya’s new home under construction

Es macht uns glücklich, dass es nach der schweren Entscheidung FairMaul-Indien zu schließen, wenigstens diese Bisschen guter Nachricht zu erzählen gibt. Unglücklicherweise scheinen die Spannungen zwischen den Familien der ehemaligen FairMail-Jugendlichen noch immer zu bestehen. Einer aus dem indischen FairMail-Team ist nach wie vor seit Juli 2014 im Gefängnis – ohne, dass die Anschuldigungen gegen ihn sauber untersucht worden währen. Eine sehr traurige Situation, die wir, wie es aussieht, immer weniger beeinflussen können.

Neu: Video-Profile der FairMail-Jugendlichen

Dienstag, März 18th, 2014

Neu auf der FairMail Website sind die persönlichen Video-Profile der jugendlichen Fotografen. Hier stellen sie sich vor und sprechen über ihre Hoffnungen.

Die Videos sind jeweils auf der persönlichen Seite des Jugendlichen zu finden.

Unter anderem stehen hier weiter Einzelheiten zu dem Betreffenden, wie seine Einkünfte und wofür er diese ausgegeben hat. Wenn ihr mögt, sendet den Jugendlichen gern einmal eine E-Mail, verbindet euch mit ihnen auf facebook, seht euch ihre Fotos an – und kauft ihre Karten.

Nie war es leichter, mit einem Fair Trade Partner in Kontakt zu kommen. Auf diese Weise erhalten FairMails Erfolgen 50 Gesichter.

(English) New photographer Aradhana refinds hope for the future

Montag, Dezember 26th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

FairMail photographer Aradhana

FairMail photographer Aradhana


I am Aradhana, one of the FairMail teenagers in India. I am very happy to be a part of FairMail as I did not know any things about photography. Few of my classmates were working in FairMail and I was thinking if I also get chance to work in FairMail will be precious things in my life because I heard many good things about FairMail.

Aradhana's family in front of her house

Aradhana's family in front of her house

I was hopeless about my future because I want to become a doctor and my parents are very poor as my father is a rickshaw puller and my mother is a house wife. So I was thinking a lot about my future that how can I achieve my goal and now I see my friends and how much positively they are thinking about their goal that they can fulfill as FairMail helps them to make them to think positive and helps them through selecting a good photos to make them cards so they can earn money for their educations.

So now I think I can also reach my goal by doing hard work in FairMail and my study. I also get as a medical fund for me and for my family through which I can help my parents and now my parents are proud on me so many thanks to FairMail.

Many Greetings
Aradhana Singh.

(If you want to read more about Aradhana or want to send her an email click here. She doesn’t have cards yet that you can buy…)

(English) A new beginning for FairMail photographer Betty

Montag, Dezember 19th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Betty from FairMail Peru

Betty from FairMail Peru

Last week we received a message from one of our Peruvian photographers: Betty. Because of domestic problems she had to leave her house with her mother, sister and two brothers. Despite that though she is determined to bring the new beginning to a good end. This is the translation of her message:

Hello friends, my name is Betty.

I live in El Milagro (name of the outscirts of Tujillo where the cities garbage belt is situated) with my mother, sister and two brothers. Due to domestic problems my mother had to get seperated from my father. Now we only live with my mother. I am 17 years old and member of the  asociación de jóvenes cristianos del Perú (ACJ red. Peruvian version of the YMCA).

Well, my family and I have always worked on the garbage belt to find materials which we could recycle and which I would have to sell. I was totally fed up with this work. When I participated in a ACJ workshop I heard people talk about an interesting company called FairMail. Unfortunately I did not know how you could get a job there, but I knew that one day I would succeed.

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

By now I am working for FairMail for almost 2 years. Itis cool because we work together like brothers and sisters. I am using the money I earned with my card sale to pay for things to finish my secondary school and for the admission acadamy I am studying in now. I want to take the exam to get admitted to the National University of Trujillo where I want to study communication sciences. I am happy with FairMail and that this way I was able to pay for my own study. And not have to be a burden for my parents now that they don’t have the money to support me in this.

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Right now I am living with my mother, brothers and sister in the house of my grandma. There we built a little room for ourselfves out of reed mats so we have a place to sleep. I know that with the sale of my cards I will make progress in life and acheive the goals I have in mind for me and my family. So we can all live in happines.

Thanks to everyone. I invite you to buy the cards of FairMail India and FairMail Peru. I hope there are some cards that you wil like.

Thanks, Betty Chanta
(red. For more information about Betty, her cards and photos, click here)

(English) Peru trip report by FairMail founder Peter den Hond

Donnerstag, Dezember 8th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

In the end of December FairMail founder Peter den Hond left for a 3 week visit to FairMail Peru. Read all about his highs, his lows and his dilemmas:

69225 “For me the three weeks where filled with respect for the endurance of the teenagers, dilemmas about cultural differences and fun during the travelling and shooting pictures together. Experiences that recharged my “FairMail batteries” to get back to work on FairMail in the Netherlands.


One of the goals of the trip was like always to tell the teenagers who their cards are being received by consumers in the west. Only when they know which cards sell well and for what type of images there is a demand can they adapt their product to the wishes of the market. And of course that way earn more money!

Besides strengthening the ties with the teenagers is very important for me. During the rest of the year we always miss each other greatly and you feel that even more when you speak to each other again. I have heard many personal stories again. Like one of the girls who is being beaten by her step father and had to ask police protection. Or another teenager whoms irresponsible dad  hasn’t been sending money home to his family for a number of weeks. The family is now in debt just to buy food to eat. And the story about one of the ex-street children who now leaves in a boys home but is very worried about his mother because his family members at home are fighting alot. Sometimes even attacking each other with knives!

cinthia225Luckily there are also good stories. In December Patricia, Mariluz and Yuli finished secondary school and have started follow-up education. Cinthia actually graduated to become a tourist guide (click here for more pictures on her facebook!). She is the first FairMail teenager to finish a multiple year higher education! And Juan Carlos is doing his practical period in a pizzeria. We once started FairMail to break the chain of poverty, so the teenagers can later establish families in which their kids will have better oppertunities then they received from their own parents. The sale of their cards is important for that, but their own perseverence keeps being the source of it all. That is why my respect for them is so big. Even inspiring!


Over the whole of 2010 the profit for the teenagers in Peru grew by 30% compared to 2009 to a total of 12.500 euro. That’s great, but it can always be better! Dat caused by biggest dilemma. With my western view of things, oriented at efficiency and keeping strict rules, I saw that FairMail Peru was doing well, but could do a lot better. Should I accept that things are less efficient compared to when we where still living in Peru? Or should we move back to the strict and efficient base we had when Janneke started FairMail in 2006? And in that case would we be able to get more out of the concept of FairMail? Or just ruin things created by our local team?

A good example is one of the teenagers who takes pretty good pictures and because of that has a reasonable income from FairMail and also importantly has a lot of joy by being part of the „FairMail family“. But he is often late for classes and sometimes behaves very irresponsibly with the camera we lend him. Our local manager doesn’t always correct him in a disciplinary way and thus FairMail is not providing this teenager with the possibly valuable work experience we would like to offer. Also with respect to personal guidance there is still a lot to improve so he spends his earnings efficiently and effectively in his plan for the future which he still doesn’t have.


I could observe these kind of “problems” very well during the 9 day photography trip to the Peruvian Andes. During this great trip we worked really hard on new pictures for the 2011 Christmas Card collection (view the first results here). But we also got to know each other a lot better. For example during the 6 hour walk to a mountain lake at 4.620 meters where we literately had to drag each other to the top. (click here for more pictures on Facebook) Also the teenagers got to know new cultural aspects of their own country by staying with a local farmer family high in the mountains for 5 days. Especially when your parents can never take you on a holiday this is a great oppertunity for the kids to increase their world view.


After three intense weeks of being together the hard and emotional good bye that followed was predictable. At least we could say „See you in July“. And to Elmer we could even say „See you in May“ when he will be coming to Europe for a 3 week promotional tour for FairMail!

(English) Teenage photographers work demand driven

Mittwoch, August 31st, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Patricia working on UK's corporate Christmas card picture

Patricia working on UK’s corporate Christmas card picture

More and more FairMail’s teenage photographers receive concrete photo assignments from organizations looking for a certain image. The past few months they have been working on assignments for three corporate customers. A day care organization and institute providing mental care who where looking for a picture for their corporate Christmas card. And a publisher of a children’s yoga calendar.

Both for the teenagers and for the photography teachers it is very nice to work demand driven on a concrete assignment. With the idea in mind that the teenager with the best pictures gets paid for his or her photo everybody is really motivated to work hard.

Volunteer Elaine with her gang of young photographers and yoga models

Volunteer Elaine with her gang of young photographers and yoga models

According to Elaine, currently one of the two volunteer photography trainers in India, “All of the teenagers worked really hard on our yoga project. We went out into the community and worked from the teenagers rooftops with lots of younger children from the area. All the kids were very happy and excited to help out and we all had alot of fun! The deadline for the competition gave them something to focus on and it was great to see them so motivated and eager to take great shots, it also forced them to develop great ideas quickly and be really creative.”

Photographer Kaushal in action on his roof top

Photographer Kaushal in action on his roof top

A selection of the best pictures has been sent to the three different clients who are evaluating the pictures. You can imagine just how excited the teenagers are to find out if their picture will be selected or not. And how happy he or she will be when they hear that a professional organization picked their picture.

It is still possible to have the teenagers take pictures for you on a no cure no pay basis. For instance for your employers corporate Christmas card. You can learn more about this option by clicking here or by contacting us directly.

Click here to watch the restults of the childrens yoga photoshoot and to vote for your favourite.

(English) Record earnings for FairMail teenagers!

Dienstag, Februar 8th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

While the rest of the world is worried about recovery of the economy FairMail’s teenage photographers made record earnings in 2010!


In total the 27 photographers from Peru and India earned a total of 15.985 euro in 2010. Since FairMail started the grand total now adds up to 46.035 euro in generated income for the teenagers.


elmer225Top earner this year was Elmer Machuca Chacon from Peru who earned a total of 1.756 euro. He is currently our top photographer! In India both Kaushal and Anshu where very succesful earning a bit more then 500 euro each. Don’t forget that the kids are making this money during their 5 hour a weekly free photography classes provided by FairMail volunteers! Not bad, to earn money while you’re studying!

If you want to know how much each teenager has earned in total then go to their personal profile pages by clicking here.

(English) Teenage photographer Juan Carlos puts a smile on his family's face

Donnerstag, Dezember 16th, 2010

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Over the last few months Juan Carlos from FairMail Peru sold a lot of his cards. He is saving up his earnings to build an own hotel with restaurant where he wants to become the main cook. But on the short run he is not forgetting about his family. Even though he lived on the streets for a couple of years due to problems at home.

With his earnings he was able to help improve his  parents house. With an epileptic mother and a father who often already spent his days earnings in the pub before getting home the house was not in a good shape. As you can see below it was built as cheap as possible with sun dried „adobe“ bricks without any concrete structures. That works fine untill it starts raining or you get an earthquake.


The house is now built up again with proper baked bricks and a concrete reinforced frame to hold the weight of the house.


With the earnings of his Christmas cards Juan Carlos hopes to be able to put in proper glass windows too and a sturdy front door. As he says himself: „Never give up on your dreams and you will achieve them in the end!“


Click here to send Juan Carlos a congratulations email. And you also get to see all his cards and best pictures, which of course can be ordered in FairMail’s webshop.
