Dante Juarez Avila

Career earnings: € 7,179.00
Dante in October 2018:
Over the last year and a half my life has improved on different levels. First of all, I left Mundo de Niños, the boy home where I used to live and I am now living with my sister and her partner in Porvenir, a neighborhood of Trujillo. I get along really well with my sister and I love living with her.
I am now in third grade and my grades have significantly improved, I excelled in English and Science and I am also taking Chemistry classes at university.
2018 in FairMail is being an extremely successful year. Since January, 16 of my pictures made it into cards and this is something that goes beyond my highest expectations. Thanks to FairMail I also went on 3 photography trips which gave me the opportunity to explore my country and take beautiful pictures.
Dante in February 2017:
My name is Dante Juarez Avila, I am 15 years old and I am in high school. I live in a boy's home called “Mundo de Niños”. I am in FairMail for nearly 3 years now. In 2016 I had both highs and lows. The bad thing is that I didn’t get many postcards and that I was sick for one month.
The good things were that I got green points and was allowed to travel to Chachapoyas. I gave it my best shot and took some great photographs.
I also have goals for 2017. The first is to get new postcards. The second is to get Green points and be able to travel again. My third is to talk more to other people. The fourth is to get good grades in school and the fifth is to enter a soccer academy.
Dante in January 2015:
My name is Dani Dante Juarez Avila. I live in Mundo de Niños since 2014. The good things that happened to me are that I got my first FairMail card of a cup of coffee. Also that I got in FairMail and that I am doing well in school.
There are no bad things.
The goals that I want to achieve this year are to get more postcards, study hard in school, help my family, be a professional soccer player, and travel with FairMail. Things that I achieved last year are passing to the next grade in school, feel happier living in Mundo de Ninos, and within my family and I took good pictures.
Dante in August 2014:
Hi, my name is Dante Dani Juárez Avila. I live in a boy's home called Mundo de Niños in Huanchaquito-Peru. Currently, I am in fifth grade of the “Jose Olaya Balandra” primary school. I have 6 brothers and sisters called Pedro, Elvis, Roxana, Lariza, Abraham, and Elías.
I entered FairMail about one week ago and I am very happy because of this. I like to be responsible and to travel to different places. I hope I will be able to acomplish these things. When I am 18 years old I want to build my own house where I can live with my brothers. Maybe we can even build a second floor. I also like to take pictures. I hope to have my first postcard soon and be able to go on trips with the FairMail team.
When I grow up my dream is to be a football player, so I can help my family. My other goal is to finish my school.