Erika Jackeline Mendoza Alvarez

Career earnings: € 0.00
Erika in May 2024
Hello, my name is Erika Jackeline Mendoza Alvarez and I recently joined FairMail. I am 13 years old and I am in the 2nd year of secondary school.
I live in El Milagro, a quiet place. I live with my dad, mom, and siblings. My dad, Rafael Jesús Mendoza Merino, raises and sells ducks, my mom, Yolanda Marisol Alvarez Asto, is a homemaker, and my siblings, Paola Geraldine Mendoza Alvarez and Robert William Mendoza Alvarez, are students.
In my free time, I like to read, listen to music, watch movies, and make desserts. I am happy to have been selected as a photographer for FairMail. I like FairMail because I enjoy taking photos and spending time with the other kids at FairMail.
My goal in life is to finish school and study accounting.
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