Ivan Villanueva Gavidia

Career earnings: € 1,730.00
Ivan in 2007:
Hi mi name is Ivan, I am 14 years old. I live in Huanchaco in Mundo de Niños, a home where they offer support to street children.
I like writing poems and singing songs. But the case is that nobody hears me because I am too shy to sing in front of other people.
My actual home is in Porvenir, a neighborhood in Trujillo with a lot of poverty and street gang fights.
I am also a Christian, I like going to church a lot. My dream is to be one of the best singers.
I got to know Fairmail through my uncles at the boy’s home. I like working for Fairmail, I think it is nice because by making photos you can see the reality of this world.
The other participants of Fairmail are great, they are my friends, I like their way of working.
I am still studying. When I am finished studying I will fulfill my dreams. But I will also help the poor people in the whole World.