Patricia Quesquen Antonio

Career earnings: € 4,026.20
Patricia in January 2012:
Hi everybody, I want to tell you that last year I had great challenges, opportunities and big decisions.The good thing was that I succeeded in building a wall behind my house so that it is no longer an open space and to be protected from danger.
The bad thing was that a careless friend made my camera break and because of that I couldnot make many pictures. But now I have a new one and I will work with a lot of motivation as it is my last half year I have left here in FairMail. My biggest dream is to finish my career in gastronomy and start my own business. Something that fascinates me most is to organize events. For me it is something spectacular and now I feel I am closer to achieving it.
Patricia in January 2011:
My father left my mother when she had three children and was pregnant of the fourth. We used to work separating rubbish to earn money to live. When I was doing a workshop with a social project, I found out about FairMail.
After speaking with the directors and the other people involved my Mother allowed me to start working with them. I have used the money I saved so far to help pay for an operation for my mother, who had a very bad tooth infection. My dream is to save enough money to study Communications at university and get a good job. I would also like to start a botanical garden to protect rare species of orchids.
Patricia in 2009:
My name is Patricia Quesquén Antonio and I am 15 years old. I live in El milagro – Trujillo. My parents are Susana Antonio Reyes and Pablo Quesquén Mayra. I am the oldest of four children. At this moment I am living with my mother and brothers and sisters.I like being in FairMail because it is really cool. They teach you about photography and here I only have one goal: to full fill my dream of studying and helping out my familiy.