(English) FairMail Peru looses photographer Pasquel

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Pasquel with one of his cards in front of his house

Pasquel with one of his cards in front of his house

At the end of September we received the sad message from the manager of FairMail Peru that Pasquel Saldaña Rodríguez had definitely been expelled from the FairMail Peru team. Unfortunately the 15 day suspension, the help of a psychologist and different sanctions did not have the desired effect: that Pasquel would be a responsible member of the team. We asked Renato Cerqueira Nunez, manager of FairMail Peru to explain how this was able to happen.

Why was Pasquel fired?

It is always a very difficult decision to take when you have to tell one of the teenagers there is no future for them within FairMail. But it is a decision that has to be taken in order to be consequent about the rules and treat everyone the same. In the case of Pasquel this was necessary because he was not attending the two photography classes per week regularly enough. Before the definite separation of Pasquel he had been suspended for 15 days as a warning and so he could think over for himself if he wanted to continue with FairMail or not. When afterwards he did not show up for classes a third time without warning it was clear he would definitely be fired.

Why are the rules so strict at FairMail?

We want FairMail to be a valuable working experience for the teenagers. This way FairMail is not only an important instrument for their personal development and to achieve their (financial) goals. But it is also the place where they learn to see and value the unique possibility they have in hands. At FairMail they can learn that through their own motivation, dedication and honesty it is possible that day by day they can work towards a better future for themselves.

What are the most important rules for the teenagers that participate in FairMail?

Because we want to offer work experience our rules look like the ones within any company. That means showing up on time for the activities that the volunteer photographer trainers organize. And give advance warning if they can’t make it . This is important for our operations to function normally. So we can acheive our common goals.

How long was Pasquel member of the team and what memories does he leave behind?

Pasquel was member of FairMail Peru for 1,5 years when he had to leave for disciplinary reasons. After his own request to be reincorporated he got a last chance until his definite exclusion last week. We will remember him for his happiness, energy and the creativity he had when dealing with his tasks. He will leave behind many friendships. Like with all photographers that leave FairMail the doors will always be wide open for him too. We will remain connected through his cards which we will keep selling (and he will keep receiving 50% of the profits made with them) and the friendship that will surely last. The rest of the group is sad that Pasquel has left the group, but are aware that is is part of the professional education that we try to give them. Also the rules we have are set collectively and democratically decided upon by the entire team.

Interview with Renato by: Cinthia Vega – Assistant manager FairMail Peru

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2 Responses to “(English) FairMail Peru looses photographer Pasquel”

  1. J Lambert dit :

    Quick question the person who was fired in Peru, you said it was because he missed photography classes, if this is the case why the need of a Psychologist?
    Isn’t the position voluntary?

  2. Hi Jason,

    Thanks for your reply. Of course the position at FairMail is voluntary. We only want to work with teenagers who really want to grasp FairMail as a chance to improve their lives. That is why we do demand 60% participation and giving advance notice if you can’t make it to classes. Two things Pasquel wasn’t able to comply with.

    After Pasquel’s return from his first separation from FairMail we talked a lot about why he had difficulties with being disciplined and motivating himself to get out of bed and work on grasping his chances. It turned out this was so complicated that FairMail paid so Pasquel could attend a psychologist who obviously is more specialized in helping Pasquel find the answers to these questions. Unfortunately this did not help sufficiently for Pasquel to take the responsibility over his future at FairMail.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Greetings, peter

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