Posts Tagged ‘anshu’

(English) Teenage photographer Anshu is saving to become a doctor

Donnerstag, November 10th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Namaste! Hello! I am Anshu, I am one of the teenagers in FairMail India. I am so happy to be in FairMail because I can learn lots of new skills, have fun and also earn some money (FM: 1.292 euro so far). I would not have had the chance to earn some money for myself if I wasn’t in FairMail India.  Now I am very happy because during the last quarter I have earned the most profit of all of the FairMail India teenagers with the sales of my cards and that has made my family very proud of me!

Anshu with her family in front of her house

Anshu with her family in front of her house

My family is very big. There are 12 people so the money I make will help us a lot. I have already bought a big storage cupboard for my house so now we have more space for my family. The rest of my money is saved for my education in the future. One day I hope I will be a doctor. I want to help people and care for people who are sick. I will have to go to University first and that is very expensive. If I didn’t have my savings from FairMail I would never be able to go to university and become a doctor. So I am very happy that FairMail has given me this chance for my future.

Anshu in action during classes

Anshu in action during classes

I really like to learn photography. I like to take photographs of flowers the most. I like the flowers in the park because there are so many different colours to take photographs of and I think that people like to buy cards with nice flowers.

I love to see new places too. Last year I went to the photography trip with FairMail to Darjeeling. I liked to see the new places and the scenery and I made some nice photographs there. One day I would like to see some more places in India like Mumbai and Delhi and make some more nice photographs. Maybe when I am a doctor I can buy my own camera!

I want to say thank you to everyone who buys a card from me and from the other FairMail teenagers.


(FM: read more about Anshu, vote for her pictures or order her cards by clicking here)