Kaushal Kumar

Career earnings: € 8,291.00
Kaushal in July 2016:
Last year (2015) was very busy and a hard working year for me. In 2015 I had lots of tests, exams and project work from the school. And it was a very sad year for me too because in the end of the year during my pre-board exams my grandmother passed away. It was a very hard time for me because I had my exams and my family was facing lots of financial problems to complete my grandmother’s funeral- and mourning ceremonies. In India there are lots of worship programs when people die, for his/her peace, it is the tradition of India. This costs a lot of money. It was also a hard time for me as it hurt me a lot when we didn’t get help from others in this situation. Me and my sister tried a lot and anyhow we did it ourselves.
This year (2016) is better than my previous year. I had my Board exam in March. I tried my best in the exams and finally I finished my school. So now I applied for admission in three colleges, two for BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) and one for BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration). I am hoping to get admission in any of it because I am interested in these two subjects. I have to do two more entrance exams for these studies. I will try my best and I am preparing for it. I hope it will be fine.
My aim: after getting admission in collage in BFA I will study for three years, the first years are about general arts and in the last year of BFA I can choose my subject then I would like to choose photography. BFA and BBA courses have many scopes. After doing any of these courses I could have many different jobs in future. But still I will always do something in photography because I love photography.
Kaushal in November 2013:
2013 was a good year for me but the summer was very hot and I had a problem in my face with a skin infection. But I also had a really good time when we went to Uttarakand with FairMail and I took good photos there. I also create my own photography book called “beautiful India” on the Blurb website.
The most important thing for me in 2014 will be my final exams of the 10th grade which will start in March 2014 and I am a bit worried about how I will start my new year after that in the 11th class (grade) in which I will have more commerce subjects. So the coming 2 years I have to study hard to get good results in my exams to be able to enter university and I also want to improve my English so I want to take extra classes for that.
Fairmail is very important to me now because I have only two more years left in fairmail to make cards and to earn money for my education. Fairmail is helping me to achieve my goal because Fairmail provides me with an Education Fund, Housing Fund and Medical Fund to Study and to have a good health. So I want to have a good future and that’s why I am in FairMail.
At my home there is the problem that my family wants to take a water connection but that is a bit difficult for us as we have to pay water tax because there is a water connection of our neighbor and they live on the same land where we live, and they didn’t paid water taxes from a long time and there is lots of debt and we don’t want to pay because we didn’t use that water. And we cannot take our own water connection for our house if they do not pay the water tax.
I use my Fairmail money firstly for my Education and then for Medical, Housing and Clothing costs. For example my Housing Fund I use to build or repair my house and to put a water connection, electricity connection and to pay taxes. And my medical fund I use for my family and for me to have a good health. I use those medical funds when I or my family members get sick.
In my free time I really love to listen to songs and to recall my past and my childhood and I also love to read movie books.
In the future I want to study photography on a good university called the BHU (Benaras Hindu University) and then I want to become a travel photographer.
Kaushal in 2012:
In the last year I learned that it doesn´t really matter what kind of camera you are using, but that it depends mostly on the photographer. I used to work with a DSLR camera, but now I have to take photographs with a smaller point and shoot camera. In the beginning I did not like this, but now I found out that even with this camera I am able to take good photographs. So I am proud on myself for being a photographer who can take good photographs with every kind of camera.
In school I think I became better in studying. Before I did not like math, but now I understand it much more.
In the coming year I am striving to get my good DSLR camera back, I want to get better results for the test so I can use this camera for taking photographs. In photography I hope to learn many new things that I have not heard before. Also, next month I will be having my first big exams, in which I hope to get good grades, so I can enter a good school.
Kaushal in 2009:
I love being in FairMail for many reasons. I like taking photos because before I had to go to weddings and see every one taking photos. “I wanted to also take photos, but wasn’t able to and didn’t know how!” Being in FairMail has taught me how to use cameras and take better photos. I really like taking photos because there are so many things that many people haven’t seen before. So when I take a picture I can show these people different things. Seeing different things makes people happy because the pictures are new and exciting.
Later in life l would like to be an Bollywood actor or a psychologist. In addition to those goals I would also like to be a Kung Fu Master.
I also plan to spend the money I earns from photography on a house, school, and all of the other things I want to do. "I really hope I am successful because otherwise will not have the money for these things.
In my free time I like to read, do his studies, paint and of course watch films! I also likes studying Spanish and especially likes singing and listening to Spanish music.