Posts Tagged ‘Ausbildung’

FairMail Peru Fotografin Patricia schaut zurück und nach vorn

Sonntag, Juli 8th, 2012
Patricia in front of her mother's house.

Patricia at her home

Im September wird die FairMail Fotografin Patricia Mariseta 19 Jahre alt und scheidet deshalb als aktives Mitglied bei FairMail aus. Natürlich wird sie noch Geld mit ihren Fotos verdienen, die FairMail weiter für sie zu verkaufen versucht. Jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt erreicht, mir ihr auf ihre vergangenen vier Jahre bei FairMail zurückzuschauen und zu fragen, wie sie ihr Leben in der Zukunft sieht.

Was mochtest du am liebsten bei FairMail?

„Am meisten mochte ich die Teamarbeit. Ich liebe es, neue Ideen und Herausforderungen mit meinen Freunden bei FairMail zu teilen, auch weil ich selbst dabei neue Anregungen und konstruktive Ideen erhalte.“

Was war dein schönster Augenblick bei FairMail?

„Mein schönster Augenblick war, als ich in die Gruppe aufgenommen wurde, weil FairMail mir neue Anforderungen und neue Ziele gab. Aber ebenso unvergeßlich sind für mich die Reiseerinnerungen und die Freunde, die immer für mich da waren, um mich und meine Familie zu unterstützen und auf die ich mich bis heute und auch in Zukunft verlassen kann.“

Waren die Menschen in deinem Umfeld eifersüchtig, weil du bei FairMail warst? Wenn ja, wie hast du reagiert?

„Ja, es gab Freunde, die mir erklärten, wieviel Glück ich gehabt hätte. Sie kamen, um auch bei FairMail anzufangen, aber ich sagte ihnen, es gäbe nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Plätzen. Wenn sie in einer eifersüchtigen Weise über FairMail redeten, habe ich gelächelt und gesagt: Dankt Gott, daß er mich FairMail finden ließ, um neue Freunde zu finden und neue Träume zu haben.“

Was hast du bei Fairmail neben dem Fotografieren noch gelernt?

„Ich lernte, daß das Leben nicht immer leicht ist. Es hält auch viele Hindernisse bereit. Aber ich habe auch gelernt, daß ich ein Mädchen mit Zukunftsträumen und Zielen bin. Ich kann erreichen, was ich möchte, wenn ich nur viel Energie investiere und mich anstrengen. Ich lernte, mich selbst als eine Persönlichkeit zu entwickeln und eigene Werte zu haben. Das ist das Wichtigste.“

Patricia at her school to become chef

Patricia at her school to become chef

Was willst du anfangen, wenn du FairMail verläßt?

„Nach meinem Einsatz bei FairMail will ich meine Zeit einsetzen, um eine Selbständigkeit zu begründen mit einem Restaurant oder mit einem kleinen Laden. Ich werde auf eigenen Füßen stehen und ganz allmählich wird der Erfolg wachsen.“

Welche Langzeitpläne hast du für die Zukunft?

„Als Langzeitplanung möchte ich gern Events organisieren, wie zum Beispiel Hochzeiten, und ich möchte gern überall hin reisen. Aber erst einmal muß ich mein Ziel erreichen, ein eigenes Restaurant zu eröffnen und es bekannt machen, damit es gut läuft.“

Was fehlt dir noch, um deine Träume wahr werden zu lassen?

„Ich muß noch viel lernen über die Organisation von Events, damit ich weiterkomme auf dem Weg, meine Ziele zu erreichen.“

Großartige akademische Ergebnisse für unsere peruanischen Jugendlichen

Mittwoch, April 25th, 2012

FairMail Peru Elmer during his first classesWunderbare Neuigkeiten über die akademischen Resultate unserer peruanischen Jugendlichen: Im vorigen Monat bestand unsere FairMail Peru Fotografin Yuli Silva Acuna die sehr schwierige Aufnahmeprüfung für Trujillos staatliche Universiät (nur 1 von 8 Bewerbern wird aufgenommen!), Maria Flor beendete ihr erstes Jahr als Jahrgangsbeste der gesamten kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Fakultät und erhielt ein volles Stipendium, Elmer nahm sein Studium auf an einer Privatuniversität auf, um seinen Traum zu verfolgen, ein berühmter Filmregisseur zu werden.

Yuli sagt über ihre erfolgreiche Zulassungsprüfung: „ Abgesehen vom Fotografieren habe ich in den letzten drei Jahren bei FairMail gelernt, daß ich alles erreichen kann, wovon ich träume. Ich muß nur an mich selbst glauben und an alles, was ich tun kann. Jetzt habe ich gerade ein großes Ziel erreicht; ich wurde aufgenommen in ein Sprachstudium an der Universität von Trujillo. Ich bin sehr dankbar, nicht nur für die finanzielle Hilfe, sondern auch für die stetige Unterstützung durch die Mitglieder von FairMail.“


Mariaflor erzählt eine noch bessere Geschichte, wie sie herausfand, daß sie die Jahrgangsbeste in ihrer Fakultät an der Universidad Cesar Vallejo wurde: „ FairMail bedeutet mir viel in meinem Leben. Neben der Ausbildung zur Fotografin und den Workshop über wichtige Themen in unserem Leben wie zum Beispiel Selbstwertschätzung, Sexualität, wie man Entscheidungen trifft und weitere Themen haben wir an unserer Persönlichkeitsentwicklung gearbeitet. Vor ein paar Tagen erfuhr ich eine großartige Neuigkeit an der Universität, als die Mitarbeiterin der Universitätsverwaltung mich fragte, ob ich schon wüßte, dass ich Jahrgangsbeste geworden war in meiner Fakultät? Und dass ich ein volles Stipendium für das nächste Semester bekommen würde? Ich erstarrte, als ich das hörte und fragte sie, ob sie einen Scherz mit mir triebe! Und ob sie bitte  meinen Namen auf der Liste wiederholen könnte, weil ich ihr nicht glaubte. Aber ja, es war wahr, ich war auf dem ersten Platz! Wow, ich strahlte über das ganze Gesicht. Ich bin sehr froh über diese Neuigkeiten, denn durch das Stipendium kann ich viel Geld sparen und meine Mutter bei der Verbesserung ihres Wohnens unterstützen!“


Die anderen Teenager in Peru sind auch auf einem sehr guten Weg. Patricia, Yomira, Betty, Jorge, Clever, Sebastian und Anidela schrieben, daß sie sehr glücklich sind, immer mehr Englisch von den Freiwilligen zu lernen, die mit ihnen an ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung arbeiten und ihnen eine Fototraining geben. Und natürlich arbeiten sie hart, um ihre Träume zu verwirklichen, Anidela als Buchhalterin, Clever als Ingenieur, Patricia, Juan Carlos und Sebastian in der Gastronomie, Jorge zum Studium der Human Rights, Betty und Yomira in der Univertitätsverwaltung.

(English) Record earnings for FairMail teenagers in 2011

Freitag, Februar 10th, 2012

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

In a year where the word „crisis“ was heard way too often FairMail’s teenage photographers in Peru en India proved that with creativity, hard work and having something unique to offer there are still big opportunities. For the fifth year in a row they managed to set a record regarding their earnings from their photography over the year. In 2011 the teenagers earned a total of 25.794 euro for their personal education-, housing- and medical funds! This way bringing their total earnings since the start of FairMail in 2006 to 74.594 euro.

Elmer Machuca Chacon

Elmer Machuca Chacon

The big earner in 2011 in Peru was 19 year old Elmer with a total of more then 10.000 soles (almost 3.000 euro), bringing his total career earnings to 7.654 euro. With this money Elmer is starting his 5 year career in communication sciences at the private UPAO university in Trujillo this March. In January the FairMail Peru team passed the 200.000 soles mark in overall earnings for the first time (almost 60.000 euro).

Sandhya Rao

Sandhya Rao

The big earner in India is 15 year old Sandhya with more then 100.000 rupees (just over 1.600 euro), bringing her career total to 2.027 euro since she started taking pictures for the first time in Febuary 2009. Sandhya is still in secondary school and saving up for her career to become a doctor. In January the FairMail India team passed the 1.000.000 rupees mark in overaal earnings for the first time (almost 16.000 euro).

On behalf of all the teenagers, volunteers and coordinators at FairMail we would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all the FairMail customers over the world to help us make these great results possible!

(English) A new beginning for FairMail photographer Betty

Montag, Dezember 19th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Betty from FairMail Peru

Betty from FairMail Peru

Last week we received a message from one of our Peruvian photographers: Betty. Because of domestic problems she had to leave her house with her mother, sister and two brothers. Despite that though she is determined to bring the new beginning to a good end. This is the translation of her message:

Hello friends, my name is Betty.

I live in El Milagro (name of the outscirts of Tujillo where the cities garbage belt is situated) with my mother, sister and two brothers. Due to domestic problems my mother had to get seperated from my father. Now we only live with my mother. I am 17 years old and member of the  asociación de jóvenes cristianos del Perú (ACJ red. Peruvian version of the YMCA).

Well, my family and I have always worked on the garbage belt to find materials which we could recycle and which I would have to sell. I was totally fed up with this work. When I participated in a ACJ workshop I heard people talk about an interesting company called FairMail. Unfortunately I did not know how you could get a job there, but I knew that one day I would succeed.

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

By now I am working for FairMail for almost 2 years. Itis cool because we work together like brothers and sisters. I am using the money I earned with my card sale to pay for things to finish my secondary school and for the admission acadamy I am studying in now. I want to take the exam to get admitted to the National University of Trujillo where I want to study communication sciences. I am happy with FairMail and that this way I was able to pay for my own study. And not have to be a burden for my parents now that they don’t have the money to support me in this.

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Right now I am living with my mother, brothers and sister in the house of my grandma. There we built a little room for ourselfves out of reed mats so we have a place to sleep. I know that with the sale of my cards I will make progress in life and acheive the goals I have in mind for me and my family. So we can all live in happines.

Thanks to everyone. I invite you to buy the cards of FairMail India and FairMail Peru. I hope there are some cards that you wil like.

Thanks, Betty Chanta
(red. For more information about Betty, her cards and photos, click here)

(English) Mariaflor wants to reach her goal: end university

Donnerstag, Dezember 8th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Mariaflor and her family

Mariaflor and her family

Hi my name is María flor Alvarado Reyes I an 20 years old and live with my mother, 2 brothers and sister in El Milagro.

I got to know FairMail through and NGO called ACJ (Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes) and through this NGO I managed to enter FairMail.

For mi FairMail is a big opportunity in my life. Why? Because they taught me how to dream and set goals for my future. In FairMail I learned to love photography and learned to see the world through the eyes of a photographer. In FairMail I learned a lot about photography like: techniques, details, portraits and much more. With FairMail and the pictures that I take I have many opportunities as my postcards are sold and exported. The earnings go into a personal fund that each participant has. With this money I was able to improve my house, by doors and even build my own room. And the most important thing is that I was able to pay for my preparations for university.

The room Mariaflor built for herself

The room Mariaflor built for herself

During my time in FairMail we made many beautiful trips with the volunteers and foreigners. These trips are great. We share fun, smiles, fears, etc. And of course the most important: take picturs and that way have more postcards. Until now I still can’t beleive that with FairMail I was able to see the things differently (if you set a goal for yourself you can achieve it). I set as goal for myself to save my money that I earned in FairMail to go to university.

Mariaflor during classes

Mariaflor during classes

Ah, I forgot to mention that I entered the Cesar Vallejo University to study communication sciences. In the first trimester I feel very happy to be achieving my goals that I set a long time ago. In university I am taking many courses. Amongst them the course „audiovisual processes“ where they taught me to work with film cameras, angles, movement etc. Now I am making a mini program with me colleagues. I thank god for having put FairMail in my life.

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

I also want to thank all the people that help us in one way or the other. And to FairMail both in Peru, India and soon in Morocco.  FairMail is expanding a lot. We are very happy to be achieving all of this. Thank you!

Atte. María flor Alvarado Reyes

(Read more about Mariaflor, vote for her pictures, send her an email or buy her cards with this link.)

(English) Sandhya: Rising star in India

Mittwoch, Dezember 7th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.


I am Sandhya Rao a photographer in FairMail India. I have been working in FairMail for past two years it is been big help for my live and for my study. FairMail is a very good company which gives me so many talents in photography and creativity. I work in this company in a team of 10 brothers and sisters which gives me pleasure to help one other.


In this company I got an opportunity to travel for on a mountain called Pachamarhi which was first trip of my life till now there I enjoyed seeing a very good place and I also enjoyed my photography there. I also get opportunity to work with new volunteers who gives us good teaching for photography it is good to know many people and to work.


In this past two years was a very good time for me and I am doing my best to remain in this company for longer. It will be sad time for me if I will have to leave FairMail I really want to be in FairMail because it gives me so much.

In terms of finances here I get my  profit fund to use for my study now and for my future. I also used my profit fund some times for my father’s business to develop. I get medical fund for me and for my direct family to us for our health.


So I am thankful to all who are working in FairMail team and also who buys our FairMail cards to support us. With thanks and love

Sandhya Rao

Want to read more about Sandhya, view her cards, vote for her pictures or send her an e-mail? Then click here!

(English) Cinthia Vega tells her succes story

Freitag, Dezember 2nd, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Cinthia Vega Inga

Cinthia Vega Inga

Hi my name is Cinthia and I am an ex-photographer from FairMail Perú.

I entered FairMail when I was about 15 years old, and I tell you that we met Janneke and Pèter, both Dutch, when they where volunteering for a NGO called ACJ (asociación cristiana de jóvenes del Peru), and Mundo de Ninos.

Seeing that we where curious about having a camera in our hands they had the great idea in their little heads that told them „these kids need a camera in their hands“ and like that their dream became reality.

The first FairMail teenagers, including Cinthia

The first FairMail teenagers, including Cinthia

What happened after that? Their thoughts became reality and we started with 14 or 15 kids of which only 4 got to stay. I was one of them, together with a friend called Rosita and two friends called Luis and David. We all made use of this great oppertunity given to us by people who gave us information about photography, who where our teachers. In the beginning they themselves taught us and after that came the volunteers, mainly from Holland. Well time passed and we went on photography trips to take more great pictures. These pictures made a big transformation to become postcards even for export! This created an income but with a few conditions attached. As the kids that participate in this business called FairMail (correo justo) we are have little economic means, and this money is divided in different parts like: education fund, cloathing fund, housing fund and health fund.

Cinthia's graduation as tourist guide

Cinthia's graduation as tourist guide

Thanks to the help of the postcards and the people who bought them we where able to acheive many things that perhaps our parents wouldn’t have been abot to give us on the long term.

I Cinthia Vega thank janneke, Peter, and all of those who help us. Thanks to the sale of my cards and the profit that came from them I bought my own computer which helped me a lot to do my school work. Of course I also started studyiny at an institute in Trujillo called  ”Cevatur Trujillo”. And after three years I finished my career and now I am doing my practical period at the Temple of the Sun and the Moon, an historic site. And I also work as guide on FairMail’s photography trips.

Cinthia's new own bedroom

Cinthia's new own bedroom

But that’s not all. I can also tell you that when you turn 19 years old your participation in FairMail ends. But they gave me the opportunity to keep on working as assistant manager. That way I managed to save the 1.100 soles (300 euros) for the construcion of my own sleeping room and I keep earning money from the sale of my cards.

A thousand thanks to all of you. I love you

Greetings: cinthia vega

If you want to read more about Cinthia, watch her pictures or buy her cards: click here.

Cinthia's old bedroom

Cinthia's old bedroom

The inside of Cinthia's new bedroom

The inside of Cinthia's new bedroom

(English) Teenage photographer Anshu is saving to become a doctor

Donnerstag, November 10th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Namaste! Hello! I am Anshu, I am one of the teenagers in FairMail India. I am so happy to be in FairMail because I can learn lots of new skills, have fun and also earn some money (FM: 1.292 euro so far). I would not have had the chance to earn some money for myself if I wasn’t in FairMail India.  Now I am very happy because during the last quarter I have earned the most profit of all of the FairMail India teenagers with the sales of my cards and that has made my family very proud of me!

Anshu with her family in front of her house

Anshu with her family in front of her house

My family is very big. There are 12 people so the money I make will help us a lot. I have already bought a big storage cupboard for my house so now we have more space for my family. The rest of my money is saved for my education in the future. One day I hope I will be a doctor. I want to help people and care for people who are sick. I will have to go to University first and that is very expensive. If I didn’t have my savings from FairMail I would never be able to go to university and become a doctor. So I am very happy that FairMail has given me this chance for my future.

Anshu in action during classes

Anshu in action during classes

I really like to learn photography. I like to take photographs of flowers the most. I like the flowers in the park because there are so many different colours to take photographs of and I think that people like to buy cards with nice flowers.

I love to see new places too. Last year I went to the photography trip with FairMail to Darjeeling. I liked to see the new places and the scenery and I made some nice photographs there. One day I would like to see some more places in India like Mumbai and Delhi and make some more nice photographs. Maybe when I am a doctor I can buy my own camera!

I want to say thank you to everyone who buys a card from me and from the other FairMail teenagers.


(FM: read more about Anshu, vote for her pictures or order her cards by clicking here)

(English) FairMail india photographer Akash goes back to school

Mittwoch, Oktober 5th, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Akash with his family

Akash with his family

Hi, I am Akash Ram, one of the Photographers of FairMail India. I am 18 years old. It is my third year in FairMail India and I have improved a lot in my photography and also in my study. I left my school in my childhood and I started to learn to become a motor mechanic so I did not think about my study.

When I joined FairMail I was inspired to take a private tuition so I stared going there. In the first few months I did not like it because I knew nothing and I was grown up boy so I felt embarrassed to go there. But because of FairMail I kept doing my study and now I know many basic things like reading, writing and doing maths. Now I plan to write my high school exam next year so I am very thankful to FairMail.

Akash with his tutor

Akash with his tutor

Through FairMail I learn many things in photography and I take good pictures. And there are my cards too so with that I earn good amount of money (red.: 1.200 Euro so far). Some of my money I was able to invest in my business to improve my motor mechanic shop which is getting better and I have saved some of my profit fund for my future study.

So thanks to the FairMail India team and also those who are involve with FairMail and also those who buy our cards.

Many greetings
Akash Ram

(Red. Read more about Akash, watch his pictures, buy his card or send him an email by clicking here. Check out Akash’s three new Christmas cards by clicking here)

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

(English) FairMail pioneers visit FairMail Peru

Donnerstag, September 1st, 2011

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Nederlands und Español verfügbar.

Good bye breakfast with the FairMail Peru team

Good bye breakfast with the FairMail Peru team

Mid July Peter den Hond and Janneke Smeulders went to Peru for a 4 week visit to the first FairMail unit they founded in 2006. Peter tells us about what they encountered.

“Visiting FairMail Peru is always an energizing experience for us. After all it is where it all started and the beginning of the wonderful flow experience we are now in with FairMail. Also the place we lived for 4 years still means a lot to us, just like the many friends we still have there. Of course especially the teenagers and managers of FairMail Peru!“

“The good thing about the first encounters is hearing about how the kids and their families are doing. And what their plans are. For example from 3 kids we heard that they where about to start university and 2 of them told us how much they liked their cooking classes. Unfortunately there was also one teenager who pulled out of prep school due to problems at home. And we where shocked to hear about another ex-FairMail participant who is wanted by the Peruvian police for extortion and another who was caught for armed assault! It makes you realize again just how difficult the environments are where our teenagers come from. And that these environments and „friends“ sometimes have a lot of force to pull them back in. Despite the perspectives FairMail tries to provide them.“

Yuli, Betty and Patricia trying out their new cameras.

Yuli, Betty and Patricia trying out their new cameras.

“The goal of the visit this time was also to introduce a new policy called „Mi camera Propia” (Spanish for “My Own Camera”). The goal was to increase the quality of the cameras the teenagers currently borrow from FairMail. The use of better and more expensive camera’s means the teenagers have to learn to manage an even bigger responsibility. So only the ones that wanted to got the chance to invest their earnings in a new camera. FairMail provided support by paying for 25% of the purchase price  and giving credit facilities to pay for the camera in 12 months. After that period the teenagers become owners of their own camera which means they can keep using it after they leave FairMail at the age of 19. This perspective and the fact that they are paying for the cameras themselves we hope will stimulate the teenagers to treat their new toys with great responsibility. If successful the same policy will be implemented in India in March 2012.“

Janneke helping Anidela with her "New Baby" card

Janneke helping Anidela with her "New Baby" card

“Also we made a 7 day photography trip to Huamachuco. This time without any tourists but with the whole FairMail team. It proved to be a great team building experience. Besides taking pictures for the next card collection together we also talked about the importance of working as a team, sexual education and made plans for FairMail’s marketing in Peru.“

Click here for pictures of Peter and Janneke’s visit.